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Not feeling it with anyone

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My ex and I have been split up for a year now. We were together for 4 years. I was miserable for a long time. completely loved her (first love, too) and I couldn't see past the horrible things she did (manipulating me, cheating emotionally, etc). SHe is a sociopath. I know this now. She has to be.


After we broke up, despite the fact that I was very hurt...there was a part of me that just told myself, "Well, Ive got nothing to lose...I can date lots of other girls now" Im very shy so I didn't really try for any though there were a few that I know were interested. I even made my first cold approach to one I didn't know and though it was awkward, it was successful and it was the kind of person I didn't think would be interested in me.


Lately I feel nothing. I finally seized all communication with my ex about two months ago. I know of a few girls that want to date me but I don't feel anything. Ive even tried being intimate with at least two and I just get bored or wanna be by myself. I see girls in public that I would like to talk to or force myself to talk to but I end up not doing it because again..I'm just not feeling it. Maybe I have become too comfortable single? I don't know if I'm still just healing or what. Any thoughts on what I can do?

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i think maybe you still have your ex on the brain and lingering feelings so its stopping you from seriously pursuing anyone else, or maybe ur ex had made u in some way not trust women and u feel like the next one will take advantage of you yet again..or maybe ur just putting way to much pressure on urself to move on, let it happen naturally go out for a drink with one of these girls that like u and just relax dont go there expecting a relationship or even a second date just go there to have fun and if something more happens well then thats just a bonus, right?..=) goodluck feel free to msg if you need to talk.

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Yeah, she is still on my brain to an extent. I do not want her back though for sure. I look at relationships in a different way now and that could be part of it, too. I just think they are all very superficial...and the trust issues that is a whole other story. I see girls that I find much more attractive than my ex but I just don't know what to say. All of my friends tell me what a great guy I am and I guess I am. I mean, I need to do better for myself in a lot of areas like financially but...

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its always hard to move on, especially after a long term relationship. i know how you feel i dated a guy for 4 years. and lets just say out of nowhere he left me, he just said that he loved me but it wasnt enough for him to stay because he felt we were too young and to be tied down we are 23 now...needless to say i def felt that he took advantage of me, that i was shy and soft spoken and that i was an easy push over it took me so long to get over him and even now i feel like im not over him completely but i force myself to get out i do date but im also not agreat casual dater...shy and can't casual date im a great catch!..LOL..its hard but in the end i think there must be someone out there who wants me right?> who would want to get to know me? i mean i am a good person...we all gotta shape up in other areas i know what you mean im still kinda trying to figure out my career path even though i graduated from university two years ago but all in time right?...i feel like break ups always make us re evaluate our lives and we always seem to look at areas where we feel we have failed..but just remember your a great person..so why hold on to her? even mentally? shes not worth it and your worth everything =)

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