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Anxiety attacks

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Wow... have you seen a doctor for this?


Make sure your health is in otherwise good order by a visit to your family physician and have him recommend a therapist for some behavior modification/desensitization/counter conditioning techniques. Medication can help but it is still necessary to address what is triggering the anxiety but you don't have to choose medication.... But you do need to find yourself the right kind of help.


Good Luck!

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I've suffered from anxiety attacks in the past. Here would be my top 3 recommendations:


1) See a doctor. He/she will likely prescribe anti-depressants. In my own experience they have worked wonders.

2) Make exercise/diet changes. Cut out caffeine entirely. Do exercise that gets your heart rate up.

3) I would wager a guess that you've let pressure/stress build up around something for a while. You need to address whatever that is.

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I have been having severe anxiety attacks as well. Chamomile and valerian root did nothing for me. I do yoga daily, at home, and take classes during the week. I take klonopin and seroquel as prescribed by a psychiatrist. The klonopin is not strong enough to alleviate the anxiety attacks, and the seroquel makes me fall asleep, which is good, but I'm scared of the drug because of all the side effects I've read about it having. I struggle every single day for the past three months. I'm living in a nightmare. The anxiety is too much.

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I have been having severe anxiety attacks as well. Chamomile and valerian root did nothing for me. I do yoga daily, at home, and take classes during the week. I take klonopin and seroquel as prescribed by a psychiatrist. The klonopin is not strong enough to alleviate the anxiety attacks, and the seroquel makes me fall asleep, which is good, but I'm scared of the drug because of all the side effects I've read about it having. I struggle every single day for the past three months. I'm living in a nightmare. The anxiety is too much.


IMO, ask your doctor to be on anti-depressant. In my experience they've done more to relieve anxiety than any drug like klonopin, ativan, etc. Anti-depressants, in my experience, attack the underlying cause of the attacks--not just the attacks themselves.

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I'm on 90 mg of cymbalta every day as well. I had been taking cymbalta for a year. About two months ago he upped the dosage from 60 to 90 mg. I asked about the possibility of switching to another type of antidepressant, he said at this time, while I'm under so much stress that it would be risky to take me off of the cymbalta. I have another appointment coming up with the psychiatrist soon.

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I have had similar attacks. Usually though the ones that resulted in me not just feeling on the verge of passing out but actually doing it came on very suddenly.


Some medications can cause dizziness and make it much more likely for you to pass out. If you weren't passing out before I would consider if that is possible. When I started taking one medication I literally passed out three times in one day! XD


For me though, silly trivial things like a police car driving by can trigger that reaction where you start getting light headed and I think it might help to talk out loud to yourself about something else. Or, to try to relax your body instead of tensing up to fight it off.


I hope you get this figured out. Passing out is never fun..

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