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Losing a pet


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My dog is 16 and doing owrse everyday. His back legs are giving out and he paces non stop. It's so hard because I know the day is coming....I've had him since I was 11. I'm now 26. I've been crying non stop an can't handle this. I've never lost anything or anyone I love. I can't stand the thought of knowing I will never see him again.

How can I cope with this???

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How to handle it....I don't know. My dog was 17 and she suffered from the symptoms you describe. We eventually had to do the unthinkable and it was heartbreaking, but she was in pain and her quality of life was demeaning (because she couldn't walk, she couldn't go outside to the bathroom and....you know).


I had her since I was 9 years old and I feel you here. Just know that you have to make the right decision for your pets sake.

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How to get through it? Know that you gave them the best life possible and that because of you, they have a good life. Know that when the time comes you will be able to make the decision that will give your dog some long deserved peace.


Losing a pet is hard, but living without them would have been harder.

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I went through the same exact situation with my Maltese. She was a few months short of her 16th bday. I had her since i was 9 years old. We wound up having to put her to sleep because she was in so much pain and could no longer stand up to eat or use the bathroom. The decision to put her to sleep was very difficult (understatement). I couldnt even be there for it. I asked my mom to do it which i sometimes regret until today. She was my dog and i never said goodbye. I cried hysterically afterwards for weeks because, like you, I had never lost a loved one prior to that day. All i can tell you is that it does get easier. That was now 4 years ago and now I can talk about her without tearing up. It also helps that a month later we got another Maltese who looks just like her (some may find this difficult to handle but it helped me). He had definitely filled that void in my heart and i love him madly.

As pet owners we are basically selfish. We want to hold onto them forever but deep down, do we truly love them enough to make the suffering go away? Isnt it unfair that we'd rather watch them suffer just so they wont leave us? I know you dread it but putting the dog to sleep is the best way to show your dog how much you love him. If I made it through it (that dog was like my baby) i know you can too. Good luck!!

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I'm so sorry. There are no words or anything any of us can do to make the hurt go away. Losing a loved one, and our pets often are loved ones to us, is so difficult. To know it is coming doesn't make it any easier, sometimes it makes it harder. But your pup must indeed have lived a really sweet life! Not all pups are lucky enough for that, and not all humans are lucky enough to have their pup around to grow somewhat old with them. It really is a blessed life you and your pup have had so far.


Love every minute that you have with him now. Focus on making sure his time is as great it can be to the end. Try to focus on the good things right now. He is still here, so now is not the time to grieve yet.

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Thanks everyone.

I have another puppy too, I'm planning on getting another dog as soon as mine passes, just so she won't have to be alone, she was raised with him around. I also, think it will help distract me. I found this Bible verse that's REALLY helped. It gives me hope that I will see him again someday.


"Though all creatures are subject to man's cruelty, God loves all His creation and has made plans for all His children and the lesser creatures to enjoy His eternal Kingdom."

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I'm so sorry. It's hard to face what's coming, but you will get through it. As others have said, spend time with him now because he's not gone yet. Realize that you've given him a great life full of love and that your buddy understands that you're doing the best you can for him.


When he's gone surround yourself with animal lovers for support when you need it (nothing is worse than people saying "it was just a dog") and know that however you grieve is ok. Questioning, shock, wanting another pet, not wanting another pet: they're all normal. And keep in mind that your doggie loves you and would want you to feel better and get back to your life as soon as you're able to.


I love this quote:


"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are. - Unknown"

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I had the same thing happen w/ my old dog she was a peek-a-poo (pekinse and poodle cute as h**l) we had to put her down I was misseriable i did loose people i have loved like cousins or aunts but never any1 this close.. Letting go is the hardest thing to do in life.. I had 4 cats once and had to give them to ex b/f and that was one of the harest things to do but im sure the are alive and well (he was very anal when it came to the cats) Sorry off topic.. Youll look back at ur pet pics one day and think of all the happy times ! I know its hard but there is nothing you can do .. Youll be ok, just think your pet will not have to suffer anymore, Best of luck to you!!

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I'm so sorry. It's always terrible to lose a pet. But I always take comfort in knowing that I've always given them the best possible life, and that when it's time I'm being selfless for them. Letting them go is selfless because when their health troubles is too much for their little bodies to bear, we take on that burden of pain for them so they can be at peace again.


I think that when you're ready, it would be a great idea to get a new dog. There are so many helpless and homeless animals that a great way to honor the memory of a beloved pet is to adopt a new one.


It does get easier, but it is still really hard. Hugs!

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I know that i would be afraid of that day when it comes. My cat is now a happy & healthy 1 year old but as time passes by, he will get old too.


How i see it is that if the animal cannot eat & go to the toilet anymore by himself, then putting it to sleep would be a very merciful thing to do... Unless the vet advises otherwise & thinks your pet can made it thru treatments, that would be the best thing for it.

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so far he can eat and potty just fine. It's just he paces so much that I wonder if he;s in pain, or is it just bad dementia? the doctor diagnosed dementia a while ago. He still remembers me though. also, when he stands his back legs shake like there isn't enough strength in them. I don't know. I'd rathr it just happen naturally, unless he started peeing himself or not eating.

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so far he can eat and potty just fine. It's just he paces so much that I wonder if he;s in pain, or is it just bad dementia? the doctor diagnosed dementia a while ago. He still remembers me though. also, when he stands his back legs shake like there isn't enough strength in them. I don't know. I'd rathr it just happen naturally, unless he started peeing himself or not eating.


Putting any thing down (pet or people] is the hardist thing any1 can do, But in my opion if the are sufferin i think its ok, not sayin its the right thing to do but why would you want to see some1 suffer like this? My aunt had dementca (cant spell) and this is something that u cant cure. I wish you luck in this and remember this is just my OPOIN and im not tellin you what to do! I hope everything works out!

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Reading this thread has made me very sad...I have a picture of my baby on the wall that we had professionally drawn and when my parents gave it to me, I couldn't hide my emotions. As someone who has struggled for periods of time to establish real connections, I was very close to my dog and to put her to sleep was heart wrenching. I remember looking at her face when we were taking her to the surgery and she had no idea what was going to happen.


Thinking about it now is making me tear up a bit


I stand by my previous post though, and I know how you feel OP. They don't deserve to suffer and it is hard to contemplate letting them go.

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Think yourself (and your dog) very lucky that he has got to such an old age, many pets are not that fortunate and it's very lucky that he managed to have a long full life, as 16 is very old for a dog. My cat died when he was 15 months and the thought that he had so much time left destroys me so try to concentrate on the fact that your dog lived longer than most dogs do.

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Trust me, you will get through things but you must let go when the time comes. If it will help, try to find a Vet who will come to your home to put your pet to sleep That is what I did and it made a difference. I got to put my baby boy to sleep at home.


I'll share my story here only to let you know that one can move on. I lost my little Maltese to a drowning in my pool. You cannot imagine the horror of that and the guilt and the tears. That was five years ago and I still don't use my pool, but I have learned to move on and live. I have learned to forgive myself as best I can and that's all I can do.


Both of my babies have a shrine in one of my bedrooms. Yes, I miss them both horribly, but we just have to accept that, for whatever reason, they don't live as long as humans.


It sounds to me like your dog has had a wonderful life. I lost my Maltese when she was 12 and my other baby at 8 years of age (way too young for a small dog). But now I have two shih tzus who fill this house with love. They do not replace my other little ones, but they do bring their little lives to my home.


You will be okay in the long run. Just do the best by your pet. If that means putting your pet to sleep to keep your dog from suffering, then that is the bravest and kindest thing to do.

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I'm crying for you as I write this. I have 1.5 year old Bichon and I can't imagine life without him. He's been my best friend in what has been a long and hard year. I just wish you strength and send love from my little guy to your little one.

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