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Remaining in contact with ex, and I'm happy

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I haven't posted in a while. I've been checking up on this site, but it somewhat brings some sadness. I remember posting on here constantly about things my ex said and done, overanalyzing every little detail.


I feel like I'm finally at peace somewhat. I'm happy. I remain in contact with my ex, and it's going great. We hang out once and a while, and it's been fun every time. He's completely relaxed around me, and kinda flirty. I'm still building up the trust, so I'm still a little cautious.

He has been putting forth the effort into contacting me, and it's nice. We still have a spark that I thought was long gone on his end.

We have gone to the beach and sat along the shore, we sat in his car another night and just talked,we have gone out for lunch which he offered to pay for, and we are planning to go to a park very soon.

I remember I used to fantasize about this. I had dreams about sitting in his car and having an intimate talk. I wished we would go to the beach and sit along the shore. All my dreams have been coming true, which is kinda freaking me out.

We tell eachother our goodnight's and i miss you's. I have been pretty direct with him, a little too much sometimes. I bluntly asked "do i make you uncomfortable saying I miss you"...which he replies "not you don't. not at all. I miss you too We were never this sweet to each other, even when we were together. We frequently compliment one another. It's kinda nice.

I was going on NC, but he texted me. I gave in and said "goodnight. I miss you". The very next day he asked to hang out. Do I regret breaking NC? Not at all. I care about him too much, and I'm certain he cares about me too.

I never would have predicted being in this position. If you know about my story, you would know how much pain the breakup has caused me. He said his feelings were lost for good. He rejected hanging out with me. He said he had no desire to kiss me or hold my hand. I thought he was gone for good.

I'm pretty confident if I flirt with him now, he will reciprocate. He's been flirting, but I haven't let my guard down. He tells me it's been fun hanging out with me.

I stopped worrying about how things are going to play out, I stopped overanalyzing everything, I kinda just stopped feeling pity for myself.


I don't want any advice, I just thought I'll just share my update. Call me hard headed or weak, whatever you want. I'm happy with things right now. I feel like we are going in a positive path.

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I really hope this happens with my ex, too. In fact, I think it is very very possible. I am sad sometimes that I have to put up my walls and go on with NC but with some time I should be ready. I mean, you broke NC but you are content. That is all that matters


Are you interested then in getting back with him or are you just not even looking into that right now? Sounds like you're living in the moment which is important hehe.

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Just goes to show that NC is not always the answer to everything. I am on a very very limited contact with my X. It stings when I hear from her or when we talk. But we are in eachothers mind constantly. So in a way its better to be fresh in her mind than to be out of sight out of mind. I dont initiate any contact with her, but we know we still love one another and that will never go away.

When I mean very very limited contact, we are talking about one day every 6-8 weeks we will text one another to say hi, and see how things are. After that, we are good for another 6-8 weeks. Yes it hurts cause she hurt me really bad, but it also helps me heal.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Do you talk everyday?


Read her more recent posts, it didn't work out. She still loves him and he's okay with not being together. This is why it's not a good idea to remain buddy, buddy with an ex. If you talk keep it casual and "on occasion" in my opinion.

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Read her more recent posts, it didn't work out. She still loves him and he's okay with not being together. This is why it's not a good idea to remain buddy, buddy with an ex. If you talk keep it casual and "on occasion" in my opinion.


It's like holding onto a ghost. They sound the same. look the same, but there's no substance or depth anymore....and they serve as a constant reminder of what was...keeping you locked in the past....and locked in heartache...

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It's like holding onto a ghost. They sound the same. look the same, but there's no substance or depth anymore....and they serve as a constant reminder of what was...keeping you locked in the past....and locked in heartache...


Very well said. I stayed in contact with my ex for a few weeks after my breakup talking every day. That is exactly how I felt. It's tough for everything to look and feel the same on your end then you get nothing in return.

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It's like holding onto a ghost. They sound the same. look the same, but there's no substance or depth anymore....and they serve as a constant reminder of what was...keeping you locked in the past....and locked in heartache...


Yes, yes, yes. I agree with this wholeheartedly.

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Very well said. I stayed in contact with my ex for a few weeks after my breakup talking every day. That is exactly how I felt. It's tough for everything to look and feel the same on your end then you get nothing in return.


I'm in the same boat. I went NC for a while then start just started talking out of no where. It went from talking a little bit to talking everyday. Now, I am just seeing nothing but heartache and pain at the end of this long tunnel.


I know I need to turn around and run, but yet it's so hard.

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I'm in the same boat. I went NC for a while then start just started talking out of no where. It went from talking a little bit to talking everyday. Now, I am just seeing nothing but heartache and pain at the end of this long tunnel.


I know I need to turn around and run, but yet it's so hard.


Yes, read my recent posts.


I don't regret being in contact with him, but it's important to define the relationship. I'm just chicken to ask him about what's going on between us, and decided to go NC. He has contacted me, and it's painful not to be able to respond back.

We'll see how things go.

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yes. You should read my latest post.


I don't understand what this guy wants from me, and I'm tired of playing games/


Just stay NC dont send the email. Sending an email is breaking NC. Stick with it and you'll be fine.

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