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Hi I'm new here and in a bit of a situation. I have bn going out with this girl for about 6 months now and I really like her. So she decides to take me on holiday with her and her parents. The first few nights we will be by ourselfs and then we will meet up with her parents a couple of days later. everything has been planed and we leave in a few days. I am all set but there is one majour problem acording to two of her friends she wants to have sex every guys dream right? holiday with girlfriend then a night in a romanitic hotel just you and her.


But here is the problem I am a virgan and she is not, that's not a the main problem. the real problem is that aparently I am " an bit of a stud" acording to all of our friends and most of the people in our year. A stud who is a virgan! It was just people making assumptions because I seem to be quite luckey where it comes to landing hot women I just never get round to having sex with them. I tried telling a couple of my friends and no matter what I couldn't get them to believe me.


So bassically I really want to have sex with my girlfriend but I absolutley can't tell her that I am a virgan as she will either be in shock or not believe me. What can I do without telling her? she has only had sex with one person before and I don't think verry often. Will she know that I am a virgan? what can I do to hide it during my first time? and any tips or anything would be verry much apreciated. Thank you.

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First of all, virgin. Virgan sounds like you were born in September.


Second, there really isn't anything physical or tangible that will reveal you as a virgin to her. But during your first time you barely know what you are doing, and given your alleged universal studly reputation, she may just think you are rubbish in bed and tell all her friends about it. Your alleged universal studly reputation may take a hit larger than what even your ego can absorb.


Personally, I would just tell her. She will think it's adorable, it will take a lot of the pressure off BOTH your backs, and you'll share a far more enjoyable, memorable and honest moment together.

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apologies for my writing i have a condition that makes it difficult for me to spell and write well. i do trust her but im completley unsure of her reaction, i should have worked all of this out before hand and probubly told her but i think that now it is just to late.

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From your writing, and some of the points expressed therein, I'd say you aren't mature enough to be having sex with anyone.



That was kinda rude if you ask me. But to answer biker kid i think you should just tell her. I mean you guys have been dating for six months so i don't think telling her your a virgin will be that bad. She'll probably feel glad that she's your "first"

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do you think that i could bluff my way through it? i mean she was in an accident involving some stairs and she has damaged her neck and ripped something out in her sholder so i could always say if it was rubbish that i was going easy?

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do you think that i could bluff my way through it? i mean she was in an accident involving some stairs and she has damaged her neck and ripped something out in her sholder so i could always say if it was rubbish that i was going easy?


Seriously if you are thinking about all these things I don't think you should have sex either. I mean no offense.

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do you think that i could bluff my way through it? i mean she was in an accident involving some stairs and she has damaged her neck and ripped something out in her sholder so i could always say if it was rubbish that i was going easy?




Look, sex in a relationship should be meaningful because it's with someone you love and because it feels good. You're getting way too caught up in the other details. Be honest with her about being a virgin and if she's the girl for you, she won't mind at all. That's it.


Bluffing, worrying about experience, all that stuff does make you seem kind of immature.


Have more confidence in yourself and just, BE yourself. She's been with you for 6 months, that has to mean something right? If she loves you, she won't mind that she's your first. If she's an awesome girl, she'll even think its sweet that she's your first.

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Honestly, I think you should just be honest with her and let her know that you are a virgin. She may actually feel honored that you are choosing to lose your virginity to her.


When I was in HS, one of my ex bf was a virgin, but he lied to me and said he wasn't and that he was very experienced. When it came time for us to get intimate, he could barely maintain a hard on, he claimed it never happened before. Needless to say, I was highly turned off. It wasn't until I found out from my sister's bf (which was his friend, that he was a virgin and he was asking him what positions feel good and what to do etc). I got upset that he lied about it, and I even told him that I didn't see anything wrong with him being a virgin, what got me more upset was the fact he had to hide it from me.


Honestly, just make sure that you're ready. Don't just hop into it, for the sake of having sex.

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do you think that i could bluff my way through it? i mean she was in an accident involving some stairs and she has damaged her neck and ripped something out in her sholder so i could always say if it was rubbish that i was going easy?


If you have to lie to keep her around, you shouldn't be having sex.

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