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Confused about where I should go with this?


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I wasn't sure where to post this as it could come under a lot of things but I am going to try to sum it up in as little words as possible!


In October my girlfriend of 2 years dumped me, in February my girlfriend of two months dumped me. The latter seemed to affect me more than the former since it was still new and exciting. Anyway, since then I have moved on and since March/April I have been chatting to a girl online, who I really like and I do have feelings for (who also seems to have feelings for me too).


However, many things are making me think twice about this. For one she is 300 miles from me, not a problem as I have been in long distance relationships before but I am considering meeting her and I am very worried about telling my parents because I have done this before and they are like super paranoid. The second thing is that she has loads of friends and I have literally none, they're all really loud but I'm quite an introverted person and I'd be worried about not fitting in well. Thirdly, she is 20, yes it's only 3 years younger but I'm not too sure if I could be with someone younger than myself. And finally, I feel like I don't want to get close and whenever I do get closer to her I feel myself backing away. For example, she just spoke to me on facebook and the first thing I done was close the window! Not too sure why I done that


Anyway, really I'm just looking for opinions on what I should do. I do want to meet her but at the same time I am very different from her, she's mainly been with your typical dumb blonde girl before and I am pretty intelligent and not really good looking, and I don't think we have any shared interests at all!


So confused, so any advice would be much appreciated

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Anyway, really I'm just looking for opinions on what I should do. I do want to meet her but at the same time I am very different from her, she's mainly been with your typical dumb blonde girl before and I am pretty intelligent and not really good looking, and I don't think we have any shared interests at all!


I wouldn't make any assumptions or put yourself down just because you consider yourself as an introvert. Definitely take it slow and don't jump into things that you're unsure of. More you get to know her I'm sure the bigger picture you'll see.

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Honestly It sounds to me like you could be happier with a girl who understands you better, and is a bit more mature. It's obvious that these little details of her personality trouble you; they will not go away after you have met her, and they will continue to trouble you. You should not "settle," if you know what I mean.


Maybe you can meet her anyways, but don't set any expectations for yourself, and try to keep things on a friend level (At least while you're still online.) to avoid things getting uncomfortable if ever you decide you want out. (Although I wouldn't recommend starting a relationship even if you meet her unless you are ready to do the whole long-distance thing.)


Have you talked with her on the phone? Webcam?

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I have spoken to her on the phone and we have seen each other on camera (her being on it more than me as many times I have been worried about her friends seeing me and laughing at me!).


She is a really nice girl but some of her friends are like 16, which is (to me) still a child and I'm worried this might cause problems for me when I meet them, as I don't really want to make a bad impression!


I think what you said is a good idea though, just meet as friends and have no expectations, it's what I am planning on doing

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