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Dog can't pee!


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I feel so bad.


My friends dog can't pee. Its the saddest thing..


This all started sunday. she noticed her dog bleeding like she had her period. Then she noticed the dog couldn't pee. So my friend made an apt with the vet the next day.


the vet did some blood work and it came back that her blood platelets were dangerously low but no infections and no blockages. that was monday.


today her platelets are back to normal but the dog still can't pee.


with that said.. anyone have any ideas what could be wrong. its so heartbreaking to watch her =(

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I feel so bad.


My friends dog can't pee. Its the saddest thing..


This all started sunday. she noticed her dog bleeding like she had her period. Then she noticed the dog couldn't pee. So my friend made an apt with the vet the next day.


the vet did some blood work and it came back that her blood platelets were dangerously low but no infections and no blockages. that was monday.


today her platelets are back to normal but the dog still can't pee.


with that said.. anyone have any ideas what could be wrong. its so heartbreaking to watch her =(


I don't know much about dogs, but it it's not an infection it could be kidney failure. =/

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Did they take x-rays to determine whether she has bladder stones? I've seen stones so large there literally isn't any room left in the bladder...it also causes hematuria (blood in urine). You are right, kidney failure would definitely show up in blood tests...the BUN and creatinine levels would be altered.


I hope they figure it out soon...poor dog. How old is she?

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Hi Tech!!


She is 13 i believe..... Today they did some more tests they found a growth above, around . not sure but near her urethra, they did a biopsy now she is just waiting for the results.


whatever it is ..i hope they can relieve her discomfort =(


Sorry it took so long to respond. Any more news? Did the results come back?


Hoping for the best!

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Yes ...it came back as cancer... she has a tumor. It can't really be treated so my friend said she was going to let the dog guide her for when its ready... but for now... she is peeing and eating... and back to herself.




So sorry to hear this. Your friend is lucky to have you as a friend, and my heart goes out to all of you.

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