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Engagement envy, among other things...


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Let me start off by saying, I am honestly truly happy when good things happen for those I love. I have never been one to be jealous or threatened by the success of others. I have frequently been told I am one of the most positive people out there by people I meet.


So of course, I feel like a horrible person for even feeling this way but lately I can't help but feel jealous. Both my sister and closest cousin are getting married next year. Their engagement parties are coming up and there is always wedding talk going on whenever we get together. They are "wedding buddies". I'm maid of honor and bridesmaid for them so I have to go to every event and every dress fitting etc. Which I am happy to do, I love them both more than life itself and I couldn't wish for better guys for them. I really love the men that are about to be part of my family. Meanwhile, my BF and I will be dating two years in a couple months and he said he isn't ready for marriage and isn't sure why people care about weddings so much (it's just a day) etc....


I guess I am feeling really down lately. About everything. I lost my job in April and the job I thought for sure I would get (I went in for two interviews and the guy told me he would call me) I didn't get. My future BIL just got a new job making more money. I've also had two of my friends call me in the last week to tell me they just got hired for jobs that they aren't sure they really want.


It just seems like everywhere I go it's "wedding this, wedding that" or news of promotions or upgrades to cars and homes. And I'm happy for them, I just want some of that good fortune to fall on me.


It could be worse. I have my health. A wonderful, healthy family. Good friends. I guess I'm just having a pity party for myself lately and I wanted to vent. Thanks for listening if you got this far, lol.

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That would probably make anyone feeling down. I'm very sorry to hear that but you're right, there are many things to be thankful for


Not to mention June is a big wedding month and I'm sure there are many that are feeling the same way.


The economy is also slowly rebounding, I'm starting to see some difference, other companies hiring and pretty sure that right opportunity will come along your way! Good luck!

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That would probably make anyone feeling down. I'm very sorry to hear that but you're right, there are many things to be thankful for


Not to mention June is a big wedding month and I'm sure there are many that are feeling the same way.


The economy is also slowly rebounding, I'm starting to see some difference, other companies hiring and pretty sure that right opportunity will come along your way! Good luck!


Thank you! I need all the encouragement I can get right now. I'm like Debbie Downer right now!

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Hang in there! I have an idea of what you are going through. My younger sister is getting married next week and even though I am super thrilled, I can't help myself feeling a twinge of envy.


When my sister got engaged last year (Spring of 2009), I just got laid off, completely single with no friends. It was rock bottom for me. I was crying almost every night: No job, no friends, no one to take care of me in the Great Recession of 2009. But out of pride, determination and grit, I refused to get to me. I pull myself together and started to look for jobs 24/7. It took me 4 months to get a temporary job and then another 3 months to get a full time job.



I have been dating my boyfriend for close to 1 year and he wants to take his time before we make a commitment. I have to remind myself that it is fruitless to pressure my boyfriend now. We have to finish law school and graduate school, get our ducks in order before we can take the next step.


So my advice is to do that too. Get a job and then dig deep of why you want to get married. Is it because you see everybody else getting married or is it because you want to build a future with your boyfriend. Ask these questions for yourself and once you find the answers, talk to your boyfriend.



Good luck!

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I feel you with the wedding stuff a couple of ENA members have gotten engaged recently and it's great, I'm happy for them, but part of me is like 'aw I wanna get married too...'


I'm actually in no rush, it's just excitement rubbing off from other people did you feel bothered about marriage anytime soon before your sister and cousin got engaged? If not, it's probably just a bit of feeling-left-outness more than anything!


Just think, you get to take part in their days with far less stress and financial burden than if it were your own wedding

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