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We're Always Posting Of Our Misery...

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Let's post some happy things!


What are people looking for to over the next day, month, summer, year? What are some fun things people are doing and would recommend to others?


Let's talk about some fun & exciting things. Books, music, animals, skydiving, anything!


Distractions, ideas, recipes. Let's get some going.


For example, I'm headed to Chicago, New York City, and San Antonio this summer to visit three different friends. And I'm going to do my best to get my UK Citizenship (Have to contact my father & the embassy) as I have a job lined up after graduating (In London).


I'm sad. Don't get me wrong. But there are plenty of other threads to be sad in. Let's get a conversation going. Post ANYTHING!

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Good idea! I'm going on a family road trip next weekend, to visit my brother in Oklahoma. It will be really nice to spend some solid time with my family, not worrying about work and all other commitments for a few days.


I am 95% sure I'm going to take a job in Alaska in August. I've always wanted to go there, and I'm excited to see a completely new place and meet more new people.

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Well, I am going on vacation next month to New Orleans, ALONE! I LOVE traveling by myself. I do what I want, I can wake up at 5am or 5pm if I feel like it, and I have to say I really do entertain myself. Some think vacationing by themselves might be lonely...No way! It's liberating, plus it really gives you back your sense of independence.

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I'm looking forward to having a 3-day weekend in the sun this week!


I'm also really excited because my boyfriend found a job that he really enjoys and in 2-3 months we can get a place together! We've been together a year and I can't wait to finally have a home with him

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Good idea! I'm going on a family road trip next weekend, to visit my brother in Oklahoma. It will be really nice to spend some solid time with my family, not worrying about work and all other commitments for a few days.


I am 95% sure I'm going to take a job in Alaska in August. I've always wanted to go there, and I'm excited to see a completely new place and meet more new people.


Nice. I've never been to the OK state. Enjoy that break, and bring on the excitement of that new job. That will be awesome.


Well, I am going on vacation next month to New Orleans, ALONE! I LOVE traveling by myself. I do what I want, I can wake up at 5am or 5pm if I feel like it, and I have to say I really do entertain myself. Some think vacationing by themselves might be lonely...No way! It's liberating, plus it really gives you back your sense of independence.


No doubt! That sounds like a fantastic place to be...and you'll get to do things completely on your terms. Wicked.


finally grad. with my BA in criminal Justice and law..then i can finally move to the area where my gf lives..finally start a life where its not a LDR..and i can start to make good money when i find a better job


Excellent. Good luck in your relationship and your job search

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Let's post some happy things!


What are people looking for to over the next day, month, summer, year? What are some fun things people are doing and would recommend to others?


Let's talk about some fun & exciting things. Books, music, animals, skydiving, anything!


Distractions, ideas, recipes. Let's get some going.


For example, I'm headed to Chicago, New York City, and San Antonio this summer to visit three different friends. And I'm going to do my best to get my UK Citizenship (Have to contact my father & the embassy) as I have a job lined up after graduating (In London).


I'm sad. Don't get me wrong. But there are plenty of other threads to be sad in. Let's get a conversation going. Post ANYTHING!


It took me some years to finally get happy with my situation.


In London!?


Gosh, I've always wanted to just visit the British Isles and do from time to time on Google Earth.


I'm glad at a relatively young age I found semi-retirement.


My father should have had it so good.


Thanks, A+ thread! *****



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I'm looking forward to having a 3-day weekend in the sun this week!


I'm also really excited because my boyfriend found a job that he really enjoys and in 2-3 months we can get a place together! We've been together a year and I can't wait to finally have a home with him


That's awesome. 3 day weekends rock.


Ok, good luck with the job and home situation!

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It took me some years to finally get happy with my situation.


In London!?


Gosh, I've always wanted to just visit the British Isles and do from time to time on Google Earth.


I'm glad at a young age I found semi-retirement.


My father should have had it so good.


Thanks, A+ thread!




No doubt. It takes a long time.


Yessir....unless I don't want to put up with the horrible air and water quality, coupled with horrible driving and terrible weather


Don't worry just about the British Isles...big world out there!


No problem.

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I am attending a wedding this weekend and will be going to visit family in the Maritimes next month. Plus I have had renovations done on my outside space so I am having friends over for my first BBQ in two weeks.


Nice. Whereabouts in the Maritimes? I used to live in Halifax myself, and love going to PEI.


Outdoor BBQ....nothing better than that sometimes.

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No doubt. It takes a long time.


Yessir....unless I don't want to put up with the horrible air and water quality, coupled with horrible driving and terrible weather


Don't worry just about the British Isles...big world out there!


No problem.


Try Los Angeles for 28 years.


You know, I have also wanted to be a beach bum in Hawaii.


I am very apt, but my friend tells me they are not so welcoming of non-locals.


Never-the-less, I will beach bum it in Hawaii for as long as I wish.


I just have to get one of those two week fish food dispensers for my goldfish.





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Try Los Angeles for 28 years.


You know, I have also wanted to be a beach bum in Hawaii.


I am very apt, but my friend tells me they are not so welcoming of non-locals.


Never-the-less, I will beach bum it in Hawaii for as long as I wish.


I just have to get one of those two week fish food dispensers for my goldfish.






NICE! Beach bum it up, dude


Will be going to Smokey's in few weeks.

Will be graduating soon.

Bought my Nokia n900 just now.


Very cool. What is smokey's?

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NICE! Beach bum it up, dude


I have enough money saved up to do it in style, but I think beach bumming it will be more of a challenge for me.


At one time, for a few years I was homeless...


(Yeah, it kinda' sucked, lol.)


But, now a'days I work at home and also have a budding landscaping business on the side.


When we are young we always wonder how we will get by...


I have been hungry, but never starved.


I have spent nights with no shelter under rain, but have for the most part found shelter.


I have been lonely, but never completely alone.



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Great Smokey Mountains in Tennessee. For a retreat. Will do me good.


Wicked, have a blast!


I have enough money saved up to do it in style, but I think beach bumming it will be more of a challenge for me.


At one time, for a few years I was homeless...


(Yeah, it kinda' sucked, lol.)


But, now a'days I work at home and also have a budding landscaping business on the side.


When we are young we always wonder how we will get by...


I have been hungry, but never starved.


I have spent nights with no shelter under rain, but have for the most part found shelter.


I have been lonely, but never completely alone.




You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders. That will take you far!

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Good thread! I'm looking forward to spending a final summer in my favorite/home city with my friends, getting ready for a big competition in my sport, and going back to school this fall in a new country to work on my second graduate degree.

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Good thread! I'm looking forward to spending a final summer in my favorite/home city with my friends, getting ready for a big competition in my sport, and going back to school this fall in a new country to work on my second graduate degree.


Nice job, good luck with all of that!

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Find a hobby you enjoy doing.


For me, it was always basketball. I loved it growing up and played a lot until I met my gf. Now that we're broken up I'm back to playing and it's a great distraction. When I'm playing it's the only thing that I think of, nothing else.

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Not too much for me. What is important to me is just trying to get my life back and a life that I am happy with.


I may go out on the weekend, I may choose to stay in. I don't know yet. I want to finish uni. I want to get a decent job.


I am looking forward to being able to spend more time with my mother now that I am no longer in a relationship which is something I wanted to do and always felt guilty that I couldn't.


Being single really doesn't bother me anymore. This will give me the time I need to sort other areas out in my life. Things I have been putting off for years. I placed far too much importance on the relationship and everything else in my life suffered.


When all of this is done and I am in a better place, I will be ready to meet that special person.

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