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Confused about everything including my life !


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Its been months that I've had trouble trying to find out what it is I want out of my life and still cant come up with any solution. I'm basically alone and kicked a few people out of my life cuz they were bad influences on me. Been hurt for more than a couple of times emotionally and now I'm at a point were I'm getting more and more confused everyday.


I dont feel like doing any activties, I barley get out of the house, I'm unemployed, ( yes i did go on few interviews still nothing ) Its like you've been getting a second chance to start your life all over again and just dont know were to start from. As days pass by quickly I find myself not getting any better.


I am taking meds for depression but my problem is that I'm having a hard time being on them. I've been on them on/off. My sleep is meathod is going out of whack again. Why, does it get harder when age does go up ? ( I'm 30)As far as decsion making and trying to make something out of your life ? Why, does decsion making have to be this difficult.


When I was younger and in my 20's I knew what I wanted out of life and was working toward my goal. When I was single in my 20's I had nothing to worry about no guy trouble or problems. Even I cant reconize what it is I want anymore.

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30 is still very young and you have a whole life ahead of you.


What were your former goals, and did you reach them? Everyone needs goals for careers, hobbies, social life etc. and you can be working towards all of them at the same time. Make a plan for each day to do one thing that brings you closer to good goals, whether that is to do with lookin for a job, or getting more education to get a better job, or starting a new hobby, or joining a group/hobby where you might meet people etc.


And top of your list is to stop thinking about the past and what you don't have and to stop feeling sorry for yourself. There will always be good times and bad times in life, and you need to recognize that and not dwell on what you don't have at the moment, instead make plans to move towards a better future. And don't indulge too much of a pity party, for more than a couple minutes a day. Get up and DO something, even if that is just exercising, or taking a course to develop your career skills, or volunteer work etc.


Feeling sorry your life is not going the way you want never gets you anywhere, making a plan and taking action gets you somewhere. Start out with small plans and actions, but do something every single day to get you out of your rut.

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While you're looking for work, why don't you find a volunteer agency you like, and volunteer for them? It looks great on your resume, you feel good by helping someone/something, and you get out and meet people. Voila!

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Yea, you know I tried school and seemingly I cant seem to focus or concentrate anymore. I tried voulenteering before at my old elementary school i left the place 2 days after. I'm not a very socialable person and thats been in my personality for along time. And thats not something easy for me to change. I just dont feel like doing anything anymore.


I dont feel sorry for my life. I'm just competely feel lost.

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When I was younger and in my 20's I knew what I wanted out of life and was working toward my goal. When I was single in my 20's I had nothing to worry about no guy trouble or problems. Even I cant reconize what it is I want anymore.

Ah, so it's not so bad. Reconnect on that... no need to force it, let it come back to you. There's hope in what you stated. My girlfriend just left me & what I say is no more girlfriend troubles so you can drop your guy troubles too. I like what you say about a chance to start over, this is true. It's a chance (and I'm learning how too at your age) to take everything we know & use it to our fullest advantage. Great strides can be made with pain & hope It ain't easy though... but it's certainly not over.

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