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late night txting at the first stage of dating...


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I met him through work and decided he is worth a chance so he got the number. We have not gone out on a date # 1 yet, it has only been a couple rather official text messages...


And here's my question: he txted me around midnight (twice) - that's not really respectful is it?


I mean this is a booty call hour, if he thought anything more of me he'd follow the etiquette.


I'm not all that formal with friends, they can call me anytime day or night, but a guy who's trying to ask me out on a first date? that kind of defines what he's thinking of me or looking for at the moment...


What do you think???

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I'm in my late 20. and 12 is fine for friends, but not for nearly strangers...


If you go to bed at 3am would you think it's considerate if someone called you at 6 am? not really right?


I just think it's disrespectful if you don't know someone well (especially if it's man trying to start a romantic relationship with a woman)

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Honestly, if I like someone, I don't care what time they call. Now if you haven't been out with him yet and he is texting you at that hour to come over or something, that's different. Then I would say...next! But if he just wants to chat, I wouldn't have a problem with that.

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I'm in my late 20. and 12 is fine for friends, but not for nearly strangers...


If you go to bed at 3am would you think it's considerate if someone called you at 6 am? not really right?


I just think it's disrespectful if you don't know someone well (especially if it's man trying to start a romantic relationship with a woman)


Actually not really. I don't care when people call me; my phone is always on vibrate and if you call at 6AM I will be asleep and not answer. Especially someone who I am interested in I would be excited no matter when they called.


I'm not saying this to be mean, but I sort of think of having certain "appropriate" times to call of an older generation (i.e. my Dad gets mad when anyone calls after 10PM, even if he is awake till 1AM). No one I know my age cares when you call them. Maybe it is my age and the crowd I hang with though.


What time do you go to bed? And does he even know? I would assume most people in their 20s would still be awake and kicking at 12AM... Not that late IMO. It's not like we're talking about 80 year olds here.

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i never knew it mattered. As a male.. i dont take time into account when i want to talk to someone.. unless its obviously late/early in the morning.. im the kind of guy who works hard all day and is focused.. and when i come home.. relax my mind wanders to things it likes.. and if it is someone in particular.. i just may have a chat to see how they are.. doesnt mean im thinking of sex or something dirty.. if a guy wanted to have sex with you.. he would make it obvious... we dont like mind games so we like to cut to the chase. in your case. I think he was just trying to be polite. Don't be overly cautious

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I c where you're coming from, I guess I was raised differently - with the idea of gentlemen and ladies...


I have to be up at 7 am and my phone is my alarm clock so it can't be on vibrate. If you're calling at midnight, it better be important.


And sure if i was head over heels for him, I'd be happy to hear from him! but I don't know him at all

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I actually happen to agree with the OP, I think it is a bit disrespectful for a man to contact a woman he doesn't know all that well at midnight. However it doesn't necessarily mean that he's not all that interested or he just wants a booty call, he may just share the opinion of the rest of the posters on this thread


So I guess we're in the minority here lol...but if it really bothers you, you can just answer his text the next morning, and say something along the lines of "sorry I didn't get back to you last night I was already asleep", that should give him the hint to contact you earlier. BTW I think most working people are sleeping by midnight (I'm unemployed at the moment so I don't count lol).

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you can just answer his text the next morning, and say something along the lines of "sorry I didn't get back to you last night I was already asleep", that should give him the hint to contact you earlier.


I think your response is an excellent suggestion.

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So I guess we're in the minority here lol...but if it really bothers you, you can just answer his text the next morning, and say something along the lines of "sorry I didn't get back to you last night I was already asleep", that should give him the hint to contact you earlier.


This is what I would do if it bothers you but I wouldn't read too much into when he texts if he's not trying to invite himself over at three in the morning lol.

I have a friend who's in her fifties and her phone will be ringing past midnight, whereas I wouldn't initiate a conversation after half nine or ten at night with anyone; even family. I'd have no problem texting until the small hours with someone I was into though

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Maybe he was hoping that you would invite him around, or maybe he was trying to be romantic and show you that you were the last thing on his mind before he fell asleep, or maybe he doesn't think its that late, who knows. But maybe you should just meet him, you know.

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He's too anxious. We all know what gurls do to guys that are like that. + I don't think he knows the rules. Just tell him to not text you at that time an that it's rude.


When I have liked someone, I have never cared what time they contacted me.

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Exacly, like you all say: "if you're into him, you don't care bout the time" - but I'm not into him, I don't even know him.

It's like say you come in to an office at 4.59pm and as a clerk a huge favor - if he was your friend he'd probably serve you, but if you're a stranger: "sorry, we're closed", stick to the savoir-vivre

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