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Slowly slipping into depression

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I was not the normal broken hearted girl. After being dumped almost 7 weeks back, I was doing great. Eating well, sleeping well, doing work, getting out with friends. I was not crying all the time. I was not devastated. Other than one small message I sent to my ex 3 weeks back, I have not broken NC and have no urge to break it. Everyone told me I am doing great. My freinds were surprised the way I was handling the break up.


But now I feel, I am slowly slipping into depression. I stopped going to school. Have no motivation to work on my papers. Have no motivation to meet people. I still am eating on time because I get hungry. But I have started not sleeping well. I get up in the middle of the night with scary dreams with my heart beating really hard and me almost sweaty. I am jumpy. My heart is racing like a race horse. I just stay in my couch. Sleep in my couch and watch some random stuff on TV. Why is this happening. Is it because I stopped any thought of my ex and shut myself down? What is wrong with me? Why I am feeling so demotivated? I have been hiding from people now. Should I go and see a therapist?

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Outwardly it may seem that you dealt with the relationship very well. But in reality, it's as if you have ran from your emotions following the break up, not truly dealing with them. You haven't allowed yourself to recognize the loss, which is why you may feel so restless. It's hard to face these feelings, but by letting them sit within you, they're just going to continue to grow and become more difficult to deal with later on. I would seek help to help you recognize and deal with these feelings.


I hope things get better for you! By asking for advice here, you are well on you way.

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Anybody who has something like this, and a total withdrawal from life, please go seek help or call a family member and tell them you think you're clinically depressed and to help you get help! Depression's not just pain, etc., it can mean that a serious imbalance happened and you can try to find answers all day in it, but you may just seriously be having a neurological malfunction that's stopping you from getting the chemicals you need to go about your day and be a normal person.

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Yeah. I will get a appointment. I do not want to feel like this. I didn't want to feel the pain of the break up. I still don't feel any pain. I am not even able to cry anymore. Tears won't come. I just feel demotivated to do anything.

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I think the feelings are trying to come out now. I was in complete shock the first two weeks I was out and laughing and everyone said how good I was doing. TheN it all hit me like a ton of bricks. I withdrew, couldn't sleep, got really down and finally started feeling the pain. I suspect u still have some of the loss to feel.

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Outwardly it may seem that you dealt with the relationship very well. But in reality, it's as if you have ran from your emotions following the break up, not truly dealing with them. You haven't allowed yourself to recognize the loss, which is why you may feel so restless. It's hard to face these feelings, but by letting them sit within you, they're just going to continue to grow and become more difficult to deal with later on. I would seek help to help you recognize and deal with these feelings.


I hope things get better for you! By asking for advice here, you are well on you way.


I would also say seeing a therapist could never hurt. I have heard people say that the only way to deal with the pain is through it (or something like that). So if you didn't really deal with the pain at first, and tried to go around, it could still be there. It sucks to go through that physically and emotionally draining period, I felt like I hit bottom many times. But maybe it's better to feel everything, sit with that pain for a while, and then start building up from there. Good luck.

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I was not the normal broken hearted girl. After being dumped almost 7 weeks back, I was doing great. Eating well, sleeping well, doing work, getting out with friends. I was not crying all the time. I was not devastated. Other than one small message I sent to my ex 3 weeks back, I have not broken NC and have no urge to break it. Everyone told me I am doing great. My freinds were surprised the way I was handling the break up.


Sadly, I am a frequenter of the big, ugly monster. The doing great is what I have heard called the "precurser"...Although many people will call it denial. Your body realizes a lower endorphin level and reacts by giving you lots of happy feelings. Therefore, you do what I do...when I get most depressed, the rest of teh world has no idea, many times I don't either.


However, don't assume that your ex created this depression. Critically evaluate all parts of your life, and you need to see if you are doing the right things to be happy.


Find what makes you happy and you will be happy. Lose what makes you happy and you will find the alternative.

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i feel the same way. I still cry regularly..i was fine immediately after my break up as well.


I don't know if he's "moved on" yet..quite frankly I don't care. I just want to get better.


I haven't spoken to him in 11 weeks! (fine I broke NC ONCE 2 weeks in but nothing since)


I don't feel any better...actually I feel worse. I have honestly never felt anything like this in my life..


There is someone "new" in the picture and I feel terrible..I feel like I'm leading him on. I don't mean to He knows very well I'm not over my ex but he's persistent.


I guess I'll just have to bare this pain.

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i feel the same way. I still cry regularly..i was fine immediately after my break up as well.


I don't know if he's "moved on" yet..quite frankly I don't care. I just want to get better.


I haven't spoken to him in 11 weeks! (fine I broke NC ONCE 2 weeks in but nothing since)


I don't feel any better...actually I feel worse. I have honestly never felt anything like this in my life..


There is someone "new" in the picture and I feel terrible..I feel like I'm leading him on. I don't mean to He knows very well I'm not over my ex but he's persistent.


I guess I'll just have to bare this pain.


The last line is incorrect. You feel guiltly, you feel betrayed, you are scared to let yourself go again. All of these are REASONS for being depressed. You don't have to label all of them as your ex anymore. Depression is internal, it can't be caused by anyone else, and it can't be fixed by anyone else either.

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