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Bf has low libido


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Well sometimes my man wants sex frequently but no matter what I always have a much higher sex drive than him. He has periods of time where he just isn't in the mood and that's very frustrating as I want it all the time. I was never like this before because since I was 15 I was on anti depressants which I quit not long after I started dating him. They made me hardly ever in the mood. So I just want to know how I can get him more in the mood. Any ideas are great... and stories from men who feel the same.

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Talk to him about it.


But, low libedo in a man scares me. I know it is possible. But, my ex made me believe that for a 1.5 yrs and he was sleeping with hookers. I am sure that isn't your issue - but I will always question a man who doesn't want to have sex with his girlfriend. Of course, it depends on the frequency. If you are having sex multiple times a week with him, then ignore what I said - you do have a higher sex drive then him. Talk to him about it. But, don't compromise unless you know you can - I did and I harbored a lot of resentment because of it.

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Refer to this post and in addition to that, have him take 2000 mg of Vitamin C daily.


Doing that should rule out general lack of testosterone problems or most other physical reasons.


Beyond that, he could be dealing with stress or some other problem that's causing him to just not be in the mood.

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Well I always want it, every night or during the day whatever. I know he isn't cheating and it's just that he isn't in the mood but I'm wondering if there's any way I can get him in the mood. He has low self esteem and I'm always making him feel good and all but he doesn't find himself attractive. I think that might be it but...

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I hear ya chic. My bf is the same way. Except it wasn't always like this. He's also on an antidepressant (paxil) which is known to KILL your sex drive. It's become such a big issue that over the past two weeks he has stopped taking it. However, that hasn't seemed to help any either. Now we just fight more with the same lack of intimacy. And when i say lack, i mean....we have sex maybe once every 2 months. lol come on! I'm only 24, not 65! I wish i knew how to help you, i wish i knew how to help myself. I would suggest buying some lingerie, candles, and wine...maybe jump start a little something in him. If that doesn't work...I'm very sorry and I truly feel for you

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