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Guy asks girl out to coffee


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You (single) and a guy friend (also single) of yours and friends are hanging out at a bar and you buy a drink for him (you and your friends are also drinking, but are paying the tab for the night). He tells you that he will return the favor with coffee on another day, just he and you, and you say yes to the offer. Do you assume it's a date?

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If I like him, yes.


If I just want to be friends but I feel like he likes me, I tell myself it's just as friends but I have the awkward feeling/knowing that it's not.


If I feel like he doesn't fancy me at all, it's just coffee.


Yeah, I mean, I can't tell if she just likes me as a friend or is open to more. I'll initiate some physical contact and see how she reacts.

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You (single) and a guy friend (also single) of yours and friends are hanging out at a bar and you buy a drink for him (you and your friends are also drinking, but are paying the tab for the night). He tells you that he will return the favor with coffee on another day, just he and you, and you say yes to the offer. Do you assume it's a date?


I call it a mini-date or a pre-date. He's wants to get to know you better before a real date. Try b4 you buy. I do these to play 20 questions with a girl 2 figure out whether to run away or not start a relationship.

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You see to be on the re-bound alot.


The past two girls I dated, it was only for a few weeks and pretty casual. I wouldn't say I'm on the rebound, just dating around. Nothing has been serious since the gal I was involved with last Fall/Winter.


This girl knows I like her, but I'm FINE with just hanging as friends.

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The past two girls I dated, it was only for a few weeks and pretty casual. I wouldn't say I'm on the rebound, just dating around. Nothing has been serious since the gal I was involved with last Fall/Winter.


This girl knows I like her, but I'm FINE with just hanging as friends.


That's cool, keeping it casual means it's not too intense! Enjoy!

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if you dont put a label on it.. it can be anything.. but coming from a guy.. and the scene at a bar.. i could say he is thinking its a date.. a girl buying a drink for a guy at a bar is like paying him a compliment.. he thinks you find him interesting in one way or another.. so now he makes a move.. because he also probably finds you attractive and a bit interesting.. so he wants to see where it will go.. he might not say to you that its a date but i bet all his buddies think its one.. men brag..

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You (single) and a guy friend (also single) of yours and friends are hanging out at a bar and you buy a drink for him (you and your friends are also drinking, but are paying the tab for the night). He tells you that he will return the favor with coffee on another day, just he and you, and you say yes to the offer. Do you assume it's a date?


I wouldn't assume it was a date but if I was into you then I'd be hoping lol

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I gave it some thought and am not approaching it as a date. Not dating this soon after dating the last girl. Just hanging as friends here.


Hopefully it'll go well because from what you posted it does sound like she might be open to it going somewhere...

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A little follow up - We had coffee this afternoon, basically chilled and talked a lot. A 3-hour hang. Walked around the area and did some sight-seeing. Just going to have to hang with her on a regular basis to see what vibe develops. Not going to be heartbroken, but it's worth seeing where it goes.

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