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Is revenge worth it?

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I actaully agree with you you're rewarding bad bad behaviour.i dunno I have thought of it but to be honest so exhausted to do anything about it the emotional upheaval as been to much.Ist like eh i dunno.


You guys saying this as tho you ought to teach your ex a lesson of some sort. You don't own your ex that much. And don't kid yourself thinking you are doing this so that they won't hurt the next person. It is human nature to be selfish and care for oneself first. Think about it, when you did something nice or "selfless" (for your ex or anyone for that matter), you did it to make yourself feel good.


You want to seek revenge for some gratification of knowing they are suffering as well. By god I have been there and had many opportunities to screw my ex big time but didn't. Use you will power to not give in now, later you'll see uselessness of the whole thing.


Seriously, you will feel better about yourself for not giving into that line of thinking. With time your ex either naturally grow up or not which will be a their loss. Your are not their teacher, and you are not responsible for them in any way.


Just a couple of thoughts as I struggled with the urge some time back. Funny thing is what I wanted take away from my ex happened anyway without my participation. When it did I even felt sorry for her, but thats not my problem. Drop it and walk away, cheers folks

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