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I think I've found a love worth holding on to...


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Hi everyone...


I've never known about real love really...my love life was pretty disastrous always before I met my boyfriend...I was never really shown love either very much when I was younger...


But I think this is love really and I think it's something worth holding on to...my boyfriend isn't fantastic looking, but he's good looking...

We always have a brilliant conversation, we are never lost for words, he's pretty funny and can make me laugh...

He is devoted and faithful, he tells me he loves me all the time and I am beautiful, he has mentioned marriage, says I can come to him with any problems I have...

He has put up with me when I was an emotional wreck in the past and forgiven me many times...

He is the best lover I have ever had...


Some things about him annoy me sometimes but he can't be perfect, I know that...


I believe that he loves me now and I'm starting to think I'm pretty lucky to have found this, especially at my age 38...


Is this lucky, is it rare, would I be unlikely to meet somebody else better?


I think so...real love isn't all perfect I don't think, he's got so many good points how can I throw this away because of a few bad...


We've been going out for just over a year, I think I'll make this one work...he is delighted already because I've been opening up to him more...I would never hurt him, I love him and I'm showing it more...


Does this sound like what love is? I think so but I've never really known...I'm finding it okay though, I'm not pushing him away, I recognise the impulse to sometimes and I stop it...


I admit though, that even just writing about being in love with him frightens me to death in a way!


I think it's actually all good, can't quite believe it really! But it is...


Eclipse x

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What are the things about him that you don't like?


Is there really anything he does that makes you think about other people, or is it just your usual habit to kind of keep looking for something better?


Does it bother you that he isn't as good-looking as you would like?

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There's only a few things I don't like - occasionally his jokes but hardly ever!

Now it does not bother me at all about his looks, he looks wonderful to me all the time - and I actually don't think about other people - I think that, for all my life, I had some fantasy image of this man who was never actually real...I was always fantasising in my head about meeting somebody...


And when I first met him I was comparing him to the guy I'd been fantasising about...I lived in a bit of a fantasy world!


This is real though and it's nice - this post is really sickly isn't it? Sorry! Eclipse x

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