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So if he doesn't realize they are missing, you don't have to worry about it and feel badly. If he does and isn't coming to collect them, then well he is leaving them to contact you in the future.


I would go with the assumption that he left them in your care. I would put them in a place where you don't come accross them or see them on a shelf. Put them away. If you are afraid that you will forget about them, put a date on your calendar a year out that reminds you that you still have those things.


Ultimately, you have to wait to be in a place where you have no feelings about communicating with him whatsoever in order to contact you about them. If he left them there, it is not your responsibility to ensure that he gets them back. It is his. It is easy to fool ourselves that we have to let them know or get them back to them or at least let them know that they exist. But reality is, we are all responsible for our own stuff. No one else is looking out for my stuff and ensuring that I know that they have it or are taking care of it for me.


If you can't handle having it around, simply return them to him via mail. If you can allow yourself to keep them under your roof, put them where you can't find them and as they say "forget about it...."


My two cents....

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