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Optomistic Girl & Civilservant are engaged!

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A little young for you Lamour, but I've been waiting for OG my entire life.


It's reasons like that why I love you.


I agree with Housekitten, we realize we are young, but you can't live life afraid of where you may go wrong. It could blow up in our faces 30 years from now, but I don't think it will. You just know sometimes.

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Congratulations you two.


If I may ask...how much in-person time have you had together? And how much of his country have you seen, OG, and how much of your country has he seen?


I only ask because I was in an LDR before, and would imagine doing it again (with someone much better for me), and I'm wondering how long others take to "just know" with it being that big a geographical distance in the run-up to meeting (and while courting).


If you don't feel comfortable sharing that, I'd totally understand...I am just curious.

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CS & I are pleased to announce our engagment on June 17th, and our susbequent wedding on October 7th. We would like to express our thanks and appreciation to everyone who has helped us during our tenure on ENA and we will keep everyone updated on wedding details!


Awww, congrats!! I remember when you were hanging out in the heartbreak forum with me


This is great news, good luck to you guys!

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Congratulations you two.


If I may ask...how much in-person time have you had together? And how much of his country have you seen, OG, and how much of your country has he seen?


I only ask because I was in an LDR before, and would imagine doing it again (with someone much better for me), and I'm wondering how long others take to "just know" with it being that big a geographical distance in the run-up to meeting (and while courting).


If you don't feel comfortable sharing that, I'd totally understand...I am just curious.


I was wondering that as well...


Congrats on the marriage!

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Thanks for the wishes everyone.


Amandamarie-- I know, it seems like such a long time ago! As much as it hurt, I'm extremely glad my ex and I broke up when we did because if I hadn't of stumbled accross ENA, I never would have found him.


It's so crazy how these things work out, isn't it? Right place, right time for sure.

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Exactly. And all it took was me putting a pic of myself up and him sending me a PM that made me smile for the first time in two months.


It started on the photo thread for us too I PMed him first though haha.

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