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For once I actually feel a whole lot better. It's been exactly 4 months today since the break up happened. I was a train wreck just a couple weeks ago but it's weird. I woke up a couple days ago and just didn't care as much anymore. I was thinking at the time this is probably just a good day and tomorrow I'll go right back to feeling like crap but it didn't. I still miss her a lot and yes I'd still like to get back together at some point. But I am no longer dwelling on it and contacting her anymore. It feels good that's all I gotta say. I hope this isn't just a stretch of feeling good and then I revert back to train wreck me *Fingers crossed!*


It's weird how we can just wake up one day and care so much less....i honestly feel a big part of it was her being malicious to me after the break up and very cold hearted. It made me feel worse than I've ever felt in my life...but also pushed the healing process along quite a bit in my opinion. I have no time for people like that in my life and just a reminder to all of you dealing with an ex that has no empathy over your feelings. You'll probably heal a lot faster! and i hope you do!

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Good for you!


I was cheated on, so I know what you mean. It makes it more difficult at first (the horrible ending), but probably won't be as hard in the long run.


You are probably going to have another horrible day...maybe even a horrible week. But listen, it's not all or nothing. We have to have the ups and downs. And that's ok.

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It's weird how we can just wake up one day and care so much less....i honestly feel a big part of it was her being malicious to me after the break up and very cold hearted. It made me feel worse than I've ever felt in my life...but also pushed the healing process along quite a bit in my opinion. I have no time for people like that in my life and just a reminder to all of you dealing with an ex that has no empathy over your feelings. You'll probably heal a lot faster! and i hope you do!


Same exact thing with me. I contacted her post breakup and she was very very cruel and mean towards me. I didn't understand it and now when I look back I'm glad she did that to me. That way I can hate her and move on with my life. I no longer need to waste my time on her. She is not worth it.

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Nice. Same here. I'm starting to feel some relief in all this. Enough time passed where I can actually see some things he did were crappy and didn't quite see things that way when I was in the r'ship.


Good GenoGeno. Sounds like u really turned a corner. Keep doing what u r doing. I was doing so good T one point I thought I could start to look at facebook pics. BIG

MISTAKE. I am just going to stay on the path that brought me to this point for a while.

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