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I'm so sick of being single. How did you find love?


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You can try the Internet. Places like plentyoffish or okcupid, though you might get a lot of spam that way, guys going "hey baby a/s/l" or "sup, how you tonight?"


It's summer, Canada Day/Independence Day are coming up soon, or if you're from like Australia or some place south, then I dunno, it's winter? I'll speak on behalf of most men when I say a girl who's studying to be a nurse is generally hot. Remember those Bugs Bunny cartoons? I think you should just seek to make friends now, it's much easier that way, gives you an idea of what you want. Just be friendly and chat up some guy at the next social event you go to, you can start off with a witty comment, then introduce your name and follow from there.

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Believe it or not, Craigs List worked for me.


LOL! I can't believe it! ;-) Plenty of fish has been good. Are you a member of a gym? That has also been a good place to meet others.


Nurses are fundamentally hot, so don't sweat it. ;-)

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LOL! I can't believe it! ;-) Plenty of fish has been good. Are you a member of a gym? That has also been a good place to meet others.


Nurses are fundamentally hot, so don't sweat it. ;-)


Believe. And it worked much better than Plenty of fish!

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Every time I have found love, I found it without looking. Of course you put yourself out there a little bit and network with people. Eventually somebody introduces you to someone else or you run into someone you find interesting and as time goes by, the attraction is created. It all happens without us knowing until its too late.

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LOL! I can't believe it! ;-) Plenty of fish has been good. Are you a member of a gym? That has also been a good place to meet others.


Nurses are fundamentally hot, so don't sweat it. ;-)


Yeah, the more places you go, the more chances you get. I'm, currently, single. I stopped looking and worrying about it. Then one day I was at the gym...and a dude started to chat me up. Out of the blue. He said he liked to see me work out so hard...it was super amazing. I was floored, mainly because I didn't think anyone watched me. I know I run like a dying bird. ANYWAY...point?


Be you....that willl attract the right person.

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The advice given is good. While there is no guarantee that it will work, trying anything is better than just sitting around. Good that you are a girl.... easier to find someone. Single guys like myself with no relationship experience have it much harder in my opinion.


I have been sick of being single for years. All I can do is keep exploring different avenues and hope for the best. Tried almost everything with no luck but it isn't for a lack of effort, that is for sure. If I listed all things that I have tried and failed with.... it would certainly dampen this thread and de-motivate people so I choose to keep that to myself.


Good luck. Hope for the best for all single and struggling people out there. We deserve better, most certainly.

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Yeah, the more places you go, the more chances you get. I'm, currently, single. I stopped looking and worrying about it. Then one day I was at the gym...and a dude started to chat me up. Out of the blue. He said he liked to see me work out so hard...it was super amazing. I was floored, mainly because I didn't think anyone watched me. I know I run like a dying bird. ANYWAY...point?


Be you....that willl attract the right person.


That seems like a really creepy thing for him to say...but that sort of thinking is probably why I'm going to die alone.

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By making sure I lived in a major city teeming with singles and being out there as much as possible in a variety of activities - the typical singles parties and events but also volunteer work, getting involved in community theater, contacting men through on line dating sites, telling everyone I knew that I'd be interested in meeting someone/being set up, setting other people up (they might return the favor), etec etc.

I met my husband at work, we dated seriously, broke up and for the next 8 years stayed in touch sporadically - a few emails a year to catch each other up on what we were up to/doing. We met for a friendly dinner 5 years ago, sparks flew, and we got married over a year ago.


Although all the "work" I did had really nothing to do with how I met my husband, I do think all the dating I did and the socializing/networking increased my confidence, helped me know more about what I wanted and it also meant that I wasn't looking for any spark at that dinner - in fact, the opposite, I remember being SO happy and relieved not to be going on a date that night (I was feeling burnt out by all the dating I'd been doing) and not having to care about what I was wearing/what to talk about that I think that I was at a more relaxed/natural state and ready for those sparks. Not a "least expect it" story because in general, I was looking for a husband, just not that particular night.

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For me actually I met someone on link removed. Yeah, you do have to go through some of the lame pick up lines, but I got some nice thoughtful e-mails too.


Or you might try link removed. It's a place where you can join clubs in your area that are geared towards interests that you have.

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Embarrassing as it is, I met my fiance (now ex) on World of Warcraft. It was a girl I knew of and had seen a picture of in the past that I thought was really cute (did not look like the gamer type) but we never talked much. Then one of my friends said that she had just moved to my area so I told her I lived there too and so we met up for dinner one night and then spent 5 hours sitting in her car talking.


You can't look for love. It will find you. That's been my experience. Although, since I'm now currently single don't listen to me.

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I went to the bank a few months ago and seen a new girl in there and just made small talk, appropriate for the bank of course, and I came home, added her on facebook and have been talking ever since, we have been out a few times, its still new but hopefully all goes well.

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I don't think you can be intently focused on finding love to find it. Look how many stories just in this thread illustrate that. I desired a boyfriend so badly. I would get asked out on dates, be incredibly excited for about a week, and then everything would flop. I couldn't stop wondering why no one was right for me and why everyone around me had found love, but I couldn't. Then my life started to get crazy in other areas and I pushed finding love completely out of my head. And then I found it. This happens, I believe, because if you are focused on not having what you want, you will continue to not have it. Many unhappily single people are pushing against their current situation: "I want a boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend. A boyfriend will make me happy. Where's my soulmate? Why am I still single?"


A very important point: the best changes you can make to bring yourself what you want are all internal. You will get far further changing your mentality, focusing on positive thoughts, working on your confidence, joy, happiness, and inner peace, than you will by changing your hair, buying books on how to flirt, trying to go to more clubs, or whatever else.


The best formula for love:

  • find a way to be as happy as you can with your single status--embrace it
  • when you think about love focus only on what you want and nothing that you don't want ("I'm so sick of this" or "I can't find anyone that's right for me" are examples of what NOT to focus on)
  • don't think about finding love. Stop working so hard at it! Distract yourself and find joy in other areas of your life. Relax, get happy, and you will stumble into love.

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