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Getting attached to stray animals

Double J

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My girlfriend and I found three stray kittens last night accross the street from my house...they must have been 2 weeks old...we didn't see any sign of a cat that could be the mom...we tried giving them milk and cat food but they wouldn't eat anything. (We presumed they were too young to eat that stuff anyway but we tried nonetheless.)

We walked towards the bushes this morning and it wasn't long before they came out again...we called the cat network/humane society and they were closed...so we tended to them all day (bought them bottles and formula) and fed them every 3-4 hours.

Neither my girlfriend nor I can keep them -- our parents don't want pets in our houses...so my g/f is keeping them for the night and plans to drop them off tomorrow at an adoption shelter.

A HUGE animal lover, I'm sad because even after only spending 10 hours with them, I grew very attached. My g/f left my house with them 2 hours ago and I already miss them like crazy.

It feels good to know that we probably saved the cats' lives -- they looked quite malnourished from the moment we first spotted them. But an empty feeling in me remains. I guess I wish I could continue to tend to them, see them grow, etc.

Has anyone ever encountered this before? Is it normal?

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Ugh, I'm the same way. I can't glance at a stray without wanting to adopt it. I love animals more than anything in the world.


You just have to tell yourself that you're doing a wonderful thing by saving their little lives and the people at the rescue will do everything in their power to give them loving, forever homes.


Thank you for helping these little babies!!!

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Animals are my LIFE. Literally. They mean EVERYTHING to me, so I know how you feel. A few years ago, we took in a kitten that we found in a parking lot and he is by far the best cat i've ever had. Such a sweet, grateful thing (seriously. I think he realizes how lucky he is and what we did for him. ive never seen anything like it). I'm glad that you care so much and did everything you could for them! And hopefully they are being taken care of now and will get a great home! I love hearing about people having a soft spot for animals

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I'm the same way too. Sometimes I hate having such a soft spot for animals because I tend to get attached to them too quickly and it breaks my heart seeing anything bad happen to them. Situations like yours have happened to me several times. I still remember one dog in particular that showed up at my door when I was around 9-10. There was some construction going on in my house and one day this beautiful, hyper golden retriever just showed up and stayed there. He would greet me excitedly every day when I came home from school, but in the end, we couldn't keep him and he was too hyper and energetic, which scared my little sister, so the workers took him away one day and I'm guessing they dropped him off in some field or something


At least you know that those cats are in a better place now thanks to you

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