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The final straw


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I went over my girlfriend's house a couple hours ago and right off the bat I could tell she was in a crappy mood. Every little thing I said she was short and snappy with me. I laid down to sleep with her and her dog started moving so she jumped up, waking me up in the process, and yelled at him, which is inconsiderate to me, but what do I matter to her? She couldn't fall asleep after that, so she said she wanted to move to the couch. I told her if you want to go ahead, and she looked up at me with the most disgusted face and yelled "WHAT?" I didn't do anything, so I told her to stop freaking out and in turn started freaking out more. She started turning it on me saying "oh you always have the most disgusted faces for me, so why can't I do it to you? You just hate having the tables turned on you! You can't take it." We kept jarring and then she got up and proceeded to go upstairs, so I jumped up and got my shoes on. She went "are you having a seizure or something?" I said "No, just done dealing with this crap." Her: "what crap?" Me: "You're just being a b-word." She flipped out on me and told me to leave and not talk to her, so I did, and she slammed the door behind me. She proceeded to text me afterwards in 3 separate texts that read:


1: "Big mistake."

2: "I'm going to my friends bonfire. I plan on getting drunk and don't plan on calling you for a ride home. Ill just drive."

3: "Not like you care anyways"


I'm so pissed, and ready to call it quits. Is this not uncalled for?

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Wow, if I were you, I would get the hell out of there too. No way to talk to someone like that, no matter how pissed you are. Is she always likes this or is just this particular instance since she was in a bad mood?


If I were going to end it, I would want to know what in the world is bugging her. Seems like something happened before you even got there that made her mad. Where you guys fighting before you went over?


p.s. her texts make me think she just wants you to go after her to make sure she's okay. she wants you to worry about her.

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Wow, if I were you, I would get the hell out of there too. No way to talk to someone like that, no matter how pissed you are. Is she always likes this or is just this particular instance since she was in a bad mood?


If I were going to end it, I would want to know what in the world is bugging her. Seems like something happened before you even got there that made her mad. Where you guys fighting before you went over?


p.s. her texts make me think she just wants you to go after her to make sure she's okay. she wants you to worry about her.


We weren't fighting before I came over. She was working all day, and so was I. I'd say she was stressed from work, but this is normal behavior from her. This type of stuff occurs routinely, but usually I just back down and take it. This time I wasn't having it and I let her know. She's always angry at the world about something...it's beyond annoying.


I think she just wanted a reaction out of me. She likes playing the "hardass" and making me feel guilty for things that aren't my fault. I know calling someone a b-word is the kiss of death, but I was just being honest here.

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Well if you want to end things, wait a couple days before you do it. Don't do it when you're angry and full of emotion because you might regret it. Wait till your anger dissipates and then see if you feel the same.


and make sure she doesn't actually do something stupid if she drinks.

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I told her I needed a break and she hung up on me. Then about 5 minutes later she called back balling her eyes out trying to trick me into getting back with her but I held firm. She's tried texting and calling but I haven't responded. I can't, I need to stay strong here.

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She has a problem.


Honestly, the best thing you can do for her (and yourself) is to break up with her. Do it firm and let her know exactly why. Hopefully, she will learn to stop being so angry at nothing and taking it out on other people.

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