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Can't get her out of my mind, should I contact her now?


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I'll try to make a long story short: I was really interested in this girl I used to work with and had asked her out. She turned me down, she said she was sort of involved with a guy friend of hers. And sure enough, for a few months she went from 'single' to in a relationship with this guy. It was a big let down, but I was glad I tried. Part of the reason I asked her out was she seemed to like me, at work we would joke around and I genuinely thought she was flirting, by the way she acted around me and talked to me. Anyway, after I asked her out things were pretty awkward, she either ignored me most of the time and the times she did talk to me it was short and very formal. After a few months she more or less warmed back up to being fairly friendly, not as much as before but we could at least talk again. She quit early in the summer so I haven't seen her since. Her Facebook recently changed back to single, so for all I know she is single now. My gut tells me just to not Facebook friend her and send a friendly message because it might be awkward. But I'm 26, never had a girlfriend or been intimate with a girl before, and I've never been interested as much in a girl as I am with this girl, I"m really crazy about her and can't stop thinking about her. How do I move on and not embarrass myself by trying to contact her?

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Contact her, you have nothing to lose, worst thing that could happen is she ignore's you nd you just carry on with where you are now. Don't worry about looking awkward honestly just by you writting that shows your overthinking the situation. The biggest mistake here would be not to at least attempt something and always have what if on your mind. Lifes short go for it!

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I just wasn't sure how to contact her or what to say. I don't have her phone number, so friending her on facebook is the only available option at first. The thing is, this girl has always seemed a bit distant emotionally. Just before I asked her out the first time I was so sure that she was at least somewhat interested in me by the way she talked and acted around me. But at the same time, she seemed like the kind of girl that wouldn't admit it or respond to me asking her out. And when I found out she was involved with some other guy I speculated that she reacted the way she did because she was only interested in him and not me, which might have explained the way she distanced herself from me for several months after I asked her out.


From any women reading this, from what I've told you, what do you think a girl like this would do if I sent her a message or just friended her? If she was interested in me before and since she's single now wanted to see me, would she send me a message first, or how would she respond to me just saying 'hi'?

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