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so not worth the pain

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just ranting here. sitting here on a sat night being upset at my ex because he decided to contact me. why the heck do i even bother with him. all he does is make me angry. gosh i feel painful at the moment. how do i get rid of this feeling. the feeling of wanting him and then moments of just hating him because he just doesn't care enough.

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From my experience with one of my exs, just because they contact you doesn't necessarily mean that they "care". Some guys contact their ex's when they're lonely, want sex, are bored, want a ego boost...for him to care I think he would actually have to tell you that. You can't assume that a guy cares just because he texts you out of the blue. Just my opinion. I think you should just ignore him and go nc. Staying in contact with him obviously hurts you and is only prolonging the healing process. I am in a similar situation with my ex right now so I feel your pain

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