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I'm practically convinced it was the money that made her break up with me

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I have to say, I agree with DN on this one. Be glad to be rid of her.


The thing that bugs me is that YOU had to pay for HER babysitter. Her kid, her responsibility...at this stage in the relationship anyways.


And she should most definitely reimburse you for the chairs. It was not a gift. It was stated she should pay you back.


She seems to have some sort of princess complex going on, a major sense of entitlement.


To some, maybe $40 isn't a big deal. To me, I'm broke as hell and it would make quite a bit of difference (like, um, so I could eat).

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I've had a slight change of opinion on this matter.


I will address the matter of the breakfast since is the first thing that day that made her change her feelings for me.


My response to her being upset about paying for breakfast was "it was your idea" didn't make her think otherwise. Specifically, what she said initially was she thought I was counting up what she was paying and then brought up the examples. Obviously, she expected me to pay for breakfast, otherwise why would she be upset? Despite the fact I paid for us 90% of the time, I thought she might be a little more generous since she found out she made much more than me, especially since it was her idea. Also, I didn't think she would be upset about paying for breakfast since last weekend she was at my place and I paid for everything.

Here's my slight change of opinion

Even though her paying for us made her upset and made her think I was not going to pay for everything ALL THE TIME anymore, there may be more to it than just money. Knowing how insecure she is, it is possible, that by me not picking up the tab made her feel I was losing interest or was loving her less. I don't know for sure but it is a possibility.


I'll admit, I felt funny her paying for breakfast but I remember her saying I don't have to pay for her and her son, so I didn't. I thought it was already established. I could have offered to pay and prolong the relationship but if it continued with me paying every time we go out, I would have had to say something and I'm sure it would have turned ugly.


Note 1

When we first had the discussion about money, she repeated back what I said about "generally I will pick up the tab. However, I would not object if she wanted to pay sometimes." However, when the discussion of money came up and I explained that I have to be more careful about my money and have to do things to save money, I thought and hoped that she would have said "well, maybe, can I pay for a little more than I have been." I would still pay for the majority of the time but I couldn't afford her at the frequency we were going out. That's the kind of girl I want: someone who is a little more understanding.


Note 2:

Since I came to "revelation," the pain from the break up seems to have disappeared. I still think about her but I don't feel that burden anymore. I feel a weight has been lifted once I re-examined what her reasons were for losing interest in me.

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