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This has nothing to do with me being sad or anything. I am perfectly fine. Not completely elated but doing good. Do not miss my ex that much. But for past 2 days I am craving for a hug.




Why is it so? I just feel like going to my mom and bury my face in her soft clothes. She always wears those soft cotton clothes and she is so soft herself. She smells so good. Always. I am more close to my dad and still want a hug from mom. Well she lives 12 times zones away. But I still need my hug. My soft toys are also failing. What do I do? Is it weird all of a sudden to ask my friends to give me a nice hug that came from there heart. And this is no joke. I am really craving for one. Its like those pregnant woman who wants a blackcurrent, banana split ice cream with coconut and carrot toppings in the middle of the night and it cannot wait till the morning. Thats the extent of my HUG CRAVING too. What should I do?

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are you a cute girl? stand next to someone and pretend to cry.


I think I am cute. Ha ha. You made me laugh really. I started imagining myself pretending to cry with two little pink ribbons on my head. And someone taking pity on me. Wish I as a kid. No one will give hug to a pretending crying grown up.

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Maybe if you and one of your good friends get together one night, sit down, and have a long conversation about life, love, friendships and whatnot. Deep conversations tend to lend themselves to moments when you say "I'm so glad we're such good friends" and give your friend a hug. I'm sure the friend will reciprocate, and you might end up sitting on the couch just hugging for a while.


I kind of know how you feel. Sometimes a hug is just necessary.

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Go down to a pet store or SPCA (humane society) and go hug some cuddly, furry rejected dog.


ummm...that would be nice. I would love to cuddle a pug even though they r not furry...they are so so cuteeeeeeeee.

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Maybe if you and one of your good friends get together one night, sit down, and have a long conversation about life, love, friendships and whatnot. Deep conversations tend to lend themselves to moments when you say "I'm so glad we're such good friends" and give your friend a hug. I'm sure the friend will reciprocate, and you might end up sitting on the couch just hugging for a while.


I kind of know how you feel. Sometimes a hug is just necessary.


This is a good idea. This way I do not have to feel weird about the hug. Now I have to find someone who will want a deep conversation on a Friday evening. That could be challenging.

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