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How long does conception take from the time of sexual intercourse? days even?


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Hi All

Just wondered about this, as I did a Due Date Calculator test on a website and it gave me my due date which is the same as the doctor said, but a conception date which is three days later than the sexual intercourse I had. Just wondered, does it take days for the conception to happen? I thought it was hours?



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Conception can occur while you're having sex. The sperm can live up to a week inside you. So, essentially from the time you have sex, within the next week, you can conceive. Ovulation fluid also helps to keep those sperm alive and healthy so that you have a greater chance of conception.

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With us, my conception date was sometime during the 4th of July weekend in 2008. I pinpointed it to within a 2 to 3 day time frame. Then 2 weeks later, when my period was supposed to come, it was a no show. I didnt even realize that my period was 10 days late. lol But I was having this horrible bloating. No other signs or symptoms, just alot of bloating and my mom was like "this bloating feeling isnt going away for about 9 months or so" and that prompted me to take a test. lol

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With us, my conception date was sometime during the 4th of July weekend in 2008. I pinpointed it to within a 2 to 3 day time frame. Then 2 weeks later, when my period was supposed to come, it was a no show. I didnt even realize that my period was 10 days late. lol But I was having this horrible bloating. No other signs or symptoms, just alot of bloating and my mom was like "this bloating feeling isnt going away for about 9 months or so" and that prompted me to take a test. lol


ha! love your mum's quote.


I know exactly the day when I had my last 'encounter' and it seems that conception has occurred three days later.


Gosh I know what you mean about the bloating! I am so very bloated and cannot stop eating. I'm like a gannet! lol. I love it that my boobs are getting bigger, shame there is no-one to show them to, lol x

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Oh god..the boobs. lol Mine went from a nice C to a DDD. That is a TRIPLE D. 3 D's!! I'm like, holy crap, I didnt even know that size existed. And even now 15 months after his birth, I'm still a D cup and in some bras a DD. Ugh. I would really like my C's back. When breastfeeding Landon I felt like I was going to smother him with all that boobage.

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Lol. Lol. Well I have always been an average 'B' cup but since my miscarriage and also over the years of getting older, I have gone really flat! So I'm glad for any increase! lol


I would love to be a C. I would also love to stay with the big boobage afterwards forever, lol.


So bloating is really common in early pregnancy then?

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Yes, bloating is a very common early pregnancy sign. If you think about it, just about every pregnancy sign is also a pre period sign. That's why I didnt realize my period was 10 days late. I just thought that I was having bloating and that gassy feeling from pre period hormones, like usual. At about 7 weeks I also had really bad intestinal cramps. I freaked out thinking that something was wrong with the baby and went to the Emergency Room at the hospital, the doc was really great, calmed me down and said that since I had no bleeding and that my cervix was closed tight, that the baby was fine. He gave me a pill to calm the intestinal cramping down and it worked. I had to take that med on and off for about a month or so, and then the intestinal cramping went away and the puking began. lol Oh the joys of pregnancy!

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Sperm can actually live in your body for 3 - 5 days. So even if you didn't ovulate until a few days after you had sex, you can still get pregnant.


Many people don't realize this, which is one reason they can get surprise pregnancies.


Do you know what, this is amazing all of this. I think I am going to really enjoy my pregnancy. That fits in perfectly, because what I heard was that the 14th day after the day of your first period is the most fertile time (ovulation?) and this conception seems to have happened on the 13th day.



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Wow, this is all so interesting. Im definitely going to buy a book on this. You are so right about all of it being similar to period pains. I understand that the bloating is because your "insides" are expanding ready to accommodate baby, leaving not much room for your food!

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Just be careful of the books that you buy. I got "what to expect when you're expecting" and it scared the crap out of me. I put it down and never looked at it again. So many moms swear by that book, so my advice is DO NOT read the parts that talk about birth defects and illnesse and anything else bad that can happen to your baby. You do not need the stress and worry. My doctor actually gave me a book that was really good and the nurse even went through it and paper clipped a chapter and told me not to read it, it was also on birth defects, etc.

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Also, start a journal, to your baby. I have one to Landon. I havent written in it in a while, but I love to go back and read it. It will be something that you and your baby will always cherish. And you will want to relive the memories as well.

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Also, start a journal, to your baby. I have one to Landon. I havent written in it in a while, but I love to go back and read it. It will be something that you and your baby will always cherish. And you will want to relive the memories as well.


Ahh what a lovely idea! I think I will do that. I want us to have a special bond, god I'm going to cry now! lol x

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Ahh what a lovely idea! I think I will do that. I want us to have a special bond, god I'm going to cry now! lol x


lol..get used to that too. I cried at everything when pregnant. I went through the McDonald's drive through one morning and the girl told me to have a wonderful day and I started bawling. I mean wracking sobs. She got all freaked out and got the manager, and finally when I was able to speak, I felt so silly when I said that "She was so nice, it made me cry".

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lol..get used to that too. I cried at everything when pregnant. I went through the McDonald's drive through one morning and the girl told me to have a wonderful day and I started bawling. I mean wracking sobs. She got all freaked out and got the manager, and finally when I was able to speak, I felt so silly when I said that "She was so nice, it made me cry".


I actually did that last night. When I was talking to my flatmates, I thought one of them looked a bit shocked about the circumstances of it or rather they said something as a joke, and I started crying, ha ha. They felt awful and they hadn't even done anything really, lol x

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Ah yes, the joys of hormone overload. Cripes, I started crying at coffee and toilet paper commercials on TV.


I second the journal recommendation. I didn't do a journal, per se, but I did write letters to Littlepants at each of her milestones and plan on giving them to her when she is older. I also love to go back and read them, it's so amazing.

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Ah the joys of being pregnant!!! My wife drove me crazy! She was hot one minute throwing the blankets off the bed. Then I grabbed them off the floor and wrapped myself up like a mummy and then she got cold and yelled at me for hogging the blankets she threw off us. This was while all the bedroom windows were open and it was a blizzard outside and I was freezing my butt off!


The morning sickness is GREAT! lol


All the fun and hormones galore! Congrats on the preggers by the way!

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Ah the joys of being pregnant!!! My wife drove me crazy! She was hot one minute throwing the blankets off the bed. Then I grabbed them off the floor and wrapped myself up like a mummy and then she got cold and yelled at me for hogging the blankets she threw off us. This was while all the bedroom windows were open and it was a blizzard outside and I was freezing my butt off!


The morning sickness is GREAT! lol


All the fun and hormones galore! Congrats on the preggers by the way!


Ha ha thanks! Are you trying to scare me? I'm quite grateful now about doing this alone, at least I won't make anyones life a misery, lol. I will probably do my sisters head in instead. ha

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