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Accupuncture for Acne

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Anyone tried it?


I feel like I'm at my whit's end here. Every since I went off the pill almost two years ago, my skin has only gotten worse and worse.

I've tried two oral antibiotics, topical antibiotics, washes, and creams...it helps a bit, but then just seems like my system becomes accustomed and goes right back.


I made a call to a naturopath type chinese medicine doctor today and am schedule in two weeks.


Any stories to share?

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I haven't tried any naturopathic remedies, but I can empathize with post-pill acne. Mine has only just vanished now- 1.5 years later. I went through hell and back with my skin. The pill must have severely disrupted my hormones to cause such issues.


Hopefully accupuncture works for you. I know practically nothing I tried (except time) worked for me.

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I have tried accupuncture for acne and also bought "acne no more" and "scars no more" from link removed You wouldn't believe the difference it all made in combination. The accupuncurist also made some recommendations to my diet which I followed (more whole grains, vegetables....typical recommendations)

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I the pill while on it helps with acne. It doesn't cause acne. The acne is there for a different reason, and being on it helps. At least that's what my doctor at the time had told me. I plan to go on it, for this reason.




I'm going to have to disagree with this. Doctors will often say that because the pill is out of your system within a couple of months. However, according to an endocrinologist I went to, the effects of coming off it can be long lasting. I know I had full-blown pcos symptoms each time I came off the pill after being on it for long stretches of time. It took a long time to recover each time, but evenually I got back to normal. No pcos symptoms whatsoever now. I know this is not exclusive to me either. Most people just relapse and go back on it because they can't handle the readjustment period.

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It wouldn't hurt, my wife goes on a weekly basis and really helps with her fatigue (being pregnant) and overall health. Of course acupuncture alone may not be the solution but see what they can recommend. I'm sure your body is lacking certain nutrients as well as other variables that's causing acne.

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I'm going to have to disagree with this. Doctors will often say that because the pill is out of your system within a couple of months. However, according to an endocrinologist I went to, the effects of coming off it can be long lasting. I know I had full-blown pcos symptoms each time I came off the pill after being on it for long stretches of time. It took a long time to recover each time, but evenually I got back to normal. No pcos symptoms whatsoever now. I know this is not exclusive to me either. Most people just relapse and go back on it because they can't handle the readjustment period.


Has your weight fluctuated? That can be why you are getting the PCOS symptoms.


Also out of curiosity how long are we talking about?

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Has your weight fluctuated? That can be why you are getting the PCOS symptoms.


Also out of curiosity how long are we talking about?


My weight does tend to fluctuate from time to time, but it would be pretty coincidental that I would have acne, cysts on my ovaries, insulin resistance and no periods each time I came of the pill, then it all suddenly disappears and I'm perfectly fine. I'm at the same weight I was both times I came off (120 lbs) and now I have none of those symptoms, except slightly irregular periods, but getting better.


My endo said it would be very unlikely for someone at my weight to have pcos and that it was most likely the pill, even a year later, because it can take quite a while for the natural hormones to stabilize.


The first time I was on it for 3 years and the second time 1.5 years.

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I the pill while on it helps with acne. It doesn't cause acne. The acne is there for a different reason, and being on it helps. At least that's what my doctor at the time had told me. I plan to go on it, for this reason.


I was on the pill for about 6 years...I initially went on it because my skin was awful..and while it did help, I still had breakouts but just couldn't handle other side effects..and once I did stop the pill my skin just became significantly worse. I wouldn't say the pill caused it..the pill was clearly do quite a bit for my skin if this is how my skin normally is!



I will not go on Accutane, nor will my doctor prescribe it for me for the side effects and my current position in my life.

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I was on the pill for about 6 years...I initially went on it because my skin was awful..and while it did help, I still had breakouts but just couldn't handle other side effects..and once I did stop the pill my skin just became significantly worse. I wouldn't say the pill caused it..the pill was clearly do quite a bit for my skin if this is how my skin normally is!



I will not go on Accutane, nor will my doctor prescribe it for me for the side effects and my current position in my life.


I think it's recommended (required?) that you go on the pill for Accutane anyway, since it could cause serious birth defects if you were to get pregnant. That would defeat the whole purpose, right?

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I think it's recommended (required?) that you go on the pill for Accutane anyway, since it could cause serious birth defects if you were to get pregnant. That would defeat the whole purpose, right?


Yea. But my doctor has been pushing me to get back on the pill to help, but then also prescribes antibiotics, which wipes out the pill anyway...so I've come to realize that if I did go back on it wouldn't be for safer sex!


I'm just tired of putting things into my body. These past two years have been awful. I've gone through towels, clothes and bed sheets being bleached from products, I had chronic yeast infections from being on antibiotics, dealt with awful constipation, then diareah, and back and forth for weeks..


I'm ready to go natural for a bit!

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Have you tried any homemade washes or more natural products? Also have you changed make-up products or anything else recently? With all the different medications, etc. your acne may actually be getting worse as a result of it. Topical treatments can be extremely harsh for your skin and actually make it worse.


I've found that more gentle products or even homemade ones work much better on my skin compared to harsher topical treatments... But as far as which ones to try, it would depend on your skin type. Also, is the acne only contained to your face?


For example, a basic olive oil based soap is gentle on your skin while still cleaning it. I have heard of some people swearing by baking soda and water as well. Personally, a banana/honey/oatmeal mask which can be made easily at home feels amazing and causes no problems (more for dry/combo skin though!). If you have oily skin, a touch of lemon juice is a good idea - but not too much. I also switched off of liquid foundation to a powder one and found that helped. But again it depends on your skin type.


It's interesting that you ladies have had so much trouble when you go off the pill. I noticed an improvement in my skin when I was off the pill, albeit it was only for a couple months. I also lost almost 10 pounds in 3 months when I stopped! And my sex drive jumped. I have tried about 4-5 different kinds of BC and noticed no difference with any of these until I actually went off the pill. This was after being on various pills for about 6 years.

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I have tried some natural stuff in the past, but saw no real results. I was always told it was hormonal based, especially since about a week prior and the week of my period, its an awful awful mess...and it's not just contained to my face, it sometimes appears on my chest, and more frequently as of lately my back. Which is highly frustrating as I am getting married, and just putting off trying on wedding dresses because I am so embaressed by it.


I do have an appointement set up for next week to start the accupuncture. I am quite itnerested, as from what I read from this doctor, the focus is to try and regulate the hormones that produce it...

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I have tried some natural stuff in the past, but saw no real results. I was always told it was hormonal based, especially since about a week prior and the week of my period, its an awful awful mess...and it's not just contained to my face, it sometimes appears on my chest, and more frequently as of lately my back. Which is highly frustrating as I am getting married, and just putting off trying on wedding dresses because I am so embaressed by it.


I do have an appointement set up for next week to start the accupuncture. I am quite itnerested, as from what I read from this doctor, the focus is to try and regulate the hormones that produce it...


I definitely hear you on the week prior thing, that's always when it's the worst for me too. If nothing else is working, I would try something more naturally based - it is hormone based, but can also be nutrient based. ie. if your body is not getting certain nutrient to your skin - and therefore a natural treatment can provide nutrients to the surface of the skin that your body may be missing elsewhere. If you google homemade treatments there are tons of recipes along with skin types they're best for (if you're interested). I would love to hear how the acupuncture goes, so feel free to PM me or at least post back and let us know!

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Accutane will put it into long term remission. The side effects are harsh but it's worth it, especially if you are getting scars.


accutane did wonders for me in my teens. I still try to remember to thank my parents for it now and then, I know it wasn't cheap when they put me in it.

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A friend of mine had bad acne in her teens, and it extended well into her late twenties. She had desperately tried everything.


Then someone suggested this specialist (I don't know what part of the world you are in).

She went to see him, a couple of years ago, and whatever he prescribed did the trick. Her skin is clear and the acne has not come back.





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