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Book Talk

BOOK: for all the girlies under 30


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There is a new book I have just come accross. Not sure if it has been mentioned on this site before. Its called: "Last one Down the Aisle Wins"


It is all about how to live in your twenties and enjoy life. Tries to inform you about waiting for Mr. Right and in order to find him, you must first become Mrs. Right!


I duno, Google it. It seems cool!

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  • 2 months later...
There is a new book I have just come accross. Not sure if it has been mentioned on this site before. Its called: "Last one Down the Aisle Wins"


It is all about how to live in your twenties and enjoy life. Tries to inform you about waiting for Mr. Right and in order to find him, you must first become Mrs. Right!


I duno, Google it. It seems cool!


WOW...thank you for that, i'm definitely going to look into that! Thanks again!


God Bless!


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