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Building Muscle

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Hello everyone. Over the weekend i was at a buddies house and at one point he says:


"Vlad, dude you could build some serious muscle and get the ladies, thats what the girls like when you go to the beach, unlike me"


My friend has always been the sport active player, however he's pretty skinny and i think he's right i could build some serious muscle i got pretty big legs fairly muscular. When i was younger i was fairly active but over the years i started to slack now i'm not heavy got some extra pounds, nothing that a loss shirt can't hide lol.


Now i've been reading on all the foods and how a diet is important, which I agree that foods and diet is a big key and my main problem especially since i don't cook :splat:


So my question is what is the right foods ? How much of it should I eat ? Is there anything i should eat or drink before an after a workout ? Also how long does it take to build muscle ?



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protein is ur friend. chicken, tuna, oatmeal, etc.


i have a buddy at work who drinks protein shakes or eats one of the above every 2 hours. in 6 months he went from 315lbs to 240 and his arms are huge.


im sure some googling u can find most of the info u need

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I've actually just started a low carb diet...They say it's great for losing fat and building muscles. Wanna be weight loss buddies? lol


Check it out. You have to basically eat less than 30 grs of carbs a day, that means no pasta, rice, white bread, deserts and even fruits...But apparently it's great for weight loss.

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I have muscle and six pack abs. Let me help you


Like the above poster said, protein is the magic that builds muscle


fish, white chicken, boiled egg is all protein.

work out at gym 2- 3 times a week. Your body needs time to recover. Eat lots of berries. The antioxidants help recover the body faster. Up your vitamin intake, drink plenty water and don't eat any junk food. That mcdonalds life has to go away..


If you can't get all that food, then still eat healthy, but buy whey protein. its actually what I do.


Any questions, feel free to ask

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I've actually just started a low carb diet...They say it's great for losing fat and building muscles. Wanna be weight loss buddies? lol


Check it out. You have to basically eat less than 30 grs of carbs a day, that means no pasta, rice, white bread, deserts and even fruits...But apparently it's great for weight loss.


Sure i could always use a bud. Also i don't eat much white bread, rice, pasta, etc. My biggest food love is coffee 3 creams no sugar, subway, beer an wine. Maybe once a week i'll have pizza or burgers.


I have muscle and six pack abs. Let me help you


Like the above poster said, protein is the magic that builds muscle


fish, white chicken, boiled egg is all protein.

work out at gym 2- 3 times a week. Your body needs time to recover. Eat lots of berries. The antioxidants help recover the body faster. Up your vitamin intake, drink plenty water and don't eat any junk food. That mcdonalds life has to go away..


If you can't get all that food, then still eat healthy, but buy whey protein. its actually what I do.


Any questions, feel free to ask


Thanks for the help man. My question i have high testosterone is that good or bad ?

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Sure i could always use a bud. Also i don't eat much white bread, rice, pasta, etc. My biggest food love is coffee 3 creams no sugar, subway, beer an wine. Maybe once a week i'll have pizza or burgers.




Thanks for the help man. My question i have high testosterone is that good or bad ?


I'm not 100% sure, but I see no problem with it. That's why male's are physically stronger than women, because of the testosterone, so theoretically, I guess it'd be a huge benefit

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I'm not 100% sure, but I see no problem with it. That's why male's are physically stronger than women, because of the testosterone, so theoretically, I guess it'd be a huge benefit


It's known that testosterone helps in building muscles. In fact, that is why women can't really become as big as men with weight training, because they don't have enough testosterone.

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Testosterone is good!


I know I'm a chick, but I used to be very into lifting and eating right. Good rule of thumb is to eat about 1.5 to 2 grams of protein for every pound of lean body mass and at least .5 grams of fat for every pound LBM. Fill the rest in with carbs so you aren't eating too few calories. I'm a sucker for eggs, tuna, milk, peanut butter, protein shakes, and as nasty as it is, cottage cheese is great for you.


To find how much you should be eating, track what you normally eat on a calorie counting site for a week. To bulk (add muscle and inevitably some fat) increase your calories 10-20%. To cut (lose fat while maintaining LBM) decrease the baseline by 10-20%.


I do a 4 day split- back and bi; chest and tri; legs; shoulders and abs. I do about 5 exercises each day, HIGH weights, low rep. Bigger muscle groups I do a 5*5, smaller I do 8*3.

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It's known that testosterone helps in building muscles. In fact, that is why women can't really become as big as men with weight training, because they don't have enough testosterone.


Testosterone is good!


I know I'm a chick, but I used to be very into lifting and eating right. Good rule of thumb is to eat about 1.5 to 2 grams of protein for every pound of lean body mass and at least .5 grams of fat for every pound LBM. Fill the rest in with carbs so you aren't eating too few calories. I'm a sucker for eggs, tuna, milk, peanut butter, protein shakes, and as nasty as it is, cottage cheese is great for you.


To find how much you should be eating, track what you normally eat on a calorie counting site for a week. To bulk (add muscle and inevitably some fat) increase your calories 10-20%. To cut (lose fat while maintaining LBM) decrease the baseline by 10-20%.


I do a 4 day split- back and bi; chest and tri; legs; shoulders and abs. I do about 5 exercises each day, HIGH weights, low rep. Bigger muscle groups I do a 5*5, smaller I do 8*3.


Awesome thanks for clearing up the Testosterone thing. Ahh the food seems pretty confusing. Another thing is what about protein drinks and shakes what are some goods one ? and should i have them before or after a workout i hear chocolate milk is great for protein

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I use Isomass Extreme Gainer link removed


But also read link removed


Yup there are a lot of those protein shakes my dad has a big jug of one of those always has some when he comes back from the gym, i tried it once it was awful.



Just had a glass of chocolate milk read the back of the label, got of goodies with the vitamins. Other thing i tried doing some ab workouts lasted for like 5 mins ran for about 40mins tho.

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You need to be extremely careful here with the type of advice you get and where it comes from. Most things that have been said are pretty much on key. However about the weight gainer... offhand I can only think of one or two quality products. They are called weight gainers for a reason, they help you gain weight but in a horrible fashion, utilizing cheap ingredients and a high carb rate to say the least. The old motto here applies, "if you eat poorly, you will look poorly(can't put in the real words Stay away from these. Truly. You can get plenty of clean calories elsewhere.


Another thing is about the protien shakes. Realize there are different types of protien, and all from different sources. Low carb, whey isolate based shakes are great for post work out because of the inherit high metabolic rate. If you're looking for a during the day protien source, you'll be far better off with a casien based protien for a slower rate. Additionally, the future of protien intake is now at the BCAA level(Scivation's Extend for example). This stuff is rather incredible and plain great for you to sip on all day in terms of recovery and growth.


It's impossible to sum up everything here. Sports nutrition is a MASSIVE subject lol. Any more questions feel free to ask.


Also, check out link removed for some GREAT info, especially the nutrition and supplements forums. Good Luck and have FUN!!

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CCmedic - Thanks for the info, i'll stay away from the weigh gainers cause last thing i need is to add weight. Last 2 nights i did running on our treadmill between 40-60mins run walk never the less i still wen't for it did ab workouts both nights kinda gave out quickly but my abs are a bit sore so i guess its all good.


My main problem is food, the goods and bad, i know fast food pizza, burgers is bad but its other foods, coffee, beer, subway (even tho its more healthy) just the everyday foods.


I checked out bodybuilder.con people on there are like supermodels so darn good looking lol. But i really do wanna look like some of the people i mean most people on there.

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