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Was this too forward?


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Hello! I'm curious for some feedback!


In a nutshell, I'm attracted to my boss..


I know..


But anyways, he and I usually just stare a bit, and joke around a bit. Well today I was concerned about something (work related) and I said, "oh, as long as I'm not in trouble".. and he said, " Oh you ARE in trouble (jokingly)".. and then (much to my surprise) I said, "Well what are we going to do about that".




Soooo unlike me to blurt out something like that. He was walking away when he made his statement, and still going when I said mine.


What do you think?


How would you interpret this scenario?


Thank you!

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First of all, nothing is wrong about being attracted to your boss. Though it is definitely risky, to your job of course. I wouldn't take too big of a step in advancement. See if he picks up your subtle signals and like it was said above.. tread carefully.


I like this woman in our HR department, but so many things can go wrong there. I can see where you're coming from with your feelings.

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Thanks! This is only a summer job for me and I go back to school in September.. so no big loss if I end up hating this job, lol.. It sounds as though your job is permanent though, and that could be tricky.


I agree, nothing wrong with having feelings for people.. people meet at work all of the time- it happens. Good luck to you and your situation, tread careful yourself but keep open to the possibilities..

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