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Dating questions!


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So here I am back again, but the advice I receive from this site I find very constructive.


Anyhoo, this 1 guy I have been seeing on and off for 6 months, popped back into my life about a month ago after about 3 months of not seeing each other, only at work.


Anyhow we have had 2 dates in that last month and both have gone extremely well. We went out on the weekend, dinner, movie and I stayed at his place, when I got to his place to pick him up.. He had bunch of flowers for me I found this very very sweet and obviously a sign he infact possibly does like me quite a bit.


Anyway so here's the thing.. As he bought me flowers, I feel I should present him with something on the next date. Aparently we are going out again this weekend, although its his shout , well so he says.. Haven't heard anything about this as yet. I really want to see him again tho, he has visited me a couple of times at work this week, so I may just send him a polite message tomorrow night or Saturday morning to see if we are going to do something, if he doesnt contact me before hand..would I be polite in doing that?'


Ahh so many questions.. I really want to make it work this time around..

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Anyhow we have had 2 dates in that last month and both have gone extremely well. We went out on the weekend, dinner, movie and I stayed at his place, when I got to his place to pick him up..


You stayed at his place... you mean as in spending the night?


I wouldn't put too much importance on the flowers and I definitely wouldn't call him at this stage to prompt him with questions about what's up this weekend. I know you're getting antsy, I would too, but he said he's going to let you know so leave it at that.


It sounds like you dated on and off for six months and then took a three month hiatus for whatever reason, and now you've had two dates in the past month. It's nice that the dates went well, but two dates in one month is not really a lot of time spent together. That's not necessarily a bad thing; all it means is that this is all still very new and tentative.


If you've started sleeping with him again, it's going to stir your emotions before you really know where you stand with him. Personally I would avoid that, unless you're OK with the possibility of this turning into a casual sex or FWB thing.

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Well I did nothing, he contacted me. We went out again last night, dinner and movies and had a fantastic time. He is coming over for dinner this week. Will take things slowely. I like this guy.. No chats as to where it is going as yet, but I don't want to rush anything..

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