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Why does she keep contacting me?!?

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It’s been 6 months since I have initiated contact with my ex who left me for another man (7 years older) after 6 years of being together. Since then she has contacted me 3 times for various reasons. Today makes number 4 (haven’t heard from her in about 4 months prior to this).


She basically said congratulations on graduating, sorry to hear about the knee surgery, and that she hopes I am doing ok. She said that even though she knows she will not be hearing form me that she hopes that she gets to talk to me in the future.


So my question to you is what the heck? Why does she keep on contacting me? What part of “leave me alone” don’t you understand? I am over her but I am not over what she did to me, but hopefully that will be soon.


I always hear that they are in love with each other, so why does she keep on feeling the need to contact me?

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You can stop this anytime you want. Change your number, your email, and your mailing address. Don't forget to tell your friends and family not to give out your contact information. You have made your decision, wondering what her problem is won't help you at all.

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You can stop this anytime you want. Change your number, your email, and your mailing address. Don't forget to tell your friends and family not to give out your contact information. You have made your decision, wondering what her problem is won't help you at all.




Some people are thick-headed, or some just like to leave the lines of communication open and can't stand being shut out. If these little contacts are upsetting to you, you have the power to put a stop to them. Until then, you drive yourself nuts with the questions.

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Ugh...I thought about that, changing my number (already changed my e-mail). I was hoping to not have to do that because so many people have my phone number that it would just be really annoying...I will probably end up doing this anyway but hey, I am tired of hearing from her for reasons that I just don't understand.

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Most people would get the message when they don't get an answer even though you have told her to get lost. Next time she contacts you, reply and tell her to never contact you again. Maybe your silence is making her think that she still still can. Better still send one back asking who it is, when she replies tell her you are jim, any name you like and bought the phone from ebay a while ago. That way she will think that you haven't even got her previous contacts lol. Either way, stop letting her contact you!

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Better still send one back asking who it is, when she replies tell her you are jim, any name you like and bought the phone from ebay a while ago. That way she will think that you haven't even got her previous contacts lol.


brilliant. i am digging this.

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