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A possible 'job' after being laid off

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.55 for mileage is the standard rate, I believe. $3020 is roughly $19 an hour (for a 40 hour week). That seems reasonable considering that 1) they are hiring YOU AND YOUR CAR (which you have to be able to afford, insure, and maintain FOR THIS JOB), not just you, and 2) you have to pay self-employment tax. It costs you more in taxes to be self-employed than to be an employee, because employers have to contribute part of your taxes.

explanation here
If $19 is your beginning offer she may talk you down, so figure your bottom line, the least amount you need from this job in order to make it worth your commute and time and wear-and-tear on your car. IF you start lower you can say you agree for the first 4 weeks, and would like to review the rate at that time.


It is recommended to set aside 25% of income to cover Federal and state taxes. You should calculate and pay one quarter of your estimated taxes 4 times a year, on April 15, June 15, Sept 15, and Jan 15.

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In my next email to her, along with some other questions I may have, I will ask if she expects me to use my personal car for their errands. This is fine but will affect what I charge them significantly. It seems like I can use a combination of car+ public transportation to get there and if they don't need my car then my price can go down significantly.

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Sorry for posting again. But I would really appreciate any responses, comments on the salary I am considering. Especially if you have any experience in being a nanny, housekeeper, or 'house manager' as she likes to call it.


They live in an area where the median income per family is 128k. And she works in the city and has a separate housekeeper.


I am now thinking somewhere around 640 per week if they don't need my personal car, and 740 a week if they do.

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  • 1 month later...

So after some months of talking out their details (and her current employee still works there and they are amicable) it is time to start this 'job'. However even though she is very nice right now we are kind of bargaining on the price.


Here are the things she wants me to do:


Pick up teenage daughter from school (most days)

Drive her to various places (library, to meet a friend, to gymnastics....) (many days)

Laundry (about twice a week), including folding

Straighten up downstairs of house a bit (nothing major--just picking up a bit and putting things away)

Grocery shopping (about twice a week)

Occasional trip to Costco, if you're willing! (once a month?)

Helping me with recycling (putting papers into bags; taking cans to garage) (once a week)

Simple dinner prep (2 or 3 times a week)--we can discuss this more if you'd like

Dealing with repairmen, etc. (as needed)

Supervising part of Alex's homework (maybe do YOUR schoolwork at the same time!)

Run the dishwasher, put dishes away (about every other day)

Clean up after yourself in the kitchen


Also she later added water the plants (indoor I assume) and from prior conversations I expect her to also add take out the dog, drop off/pick up the dry cleaning.


From what she said I expect to be there at least 6 hours a day, weekdays, and she is ok with me doing my own work while I am there as long as things get done.


So based on what I thought was reasonable and my travel costs and what she could afford etc I offered 650 per week. She said she was thinking more 450 a week. I offered a trial period for 550 (My travel costs alone will be almost 600 a month), and could I leave early 1 day a week so I can do tutoring on the side and not drop that. She said she is open to discussing more.


What do you guys think? Whew I laid it all out there.

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It all looks okay, but the obvious question is: do you have agreed hours? I ask because it looks like predominantly evening duties. What time are you expecting to stop work each day?


She had said something along the lines of : Start no later than 2 something (I don't remember exactly the time) and she gets home at 7 something earliest (again I don't remember the something) So I figured 6 hours a day on average. She did say anything more and she would pay extra (at least she said this for weekends - and that she doesn't expect me on weekends generally).


She is also ok with me doing my own work while there as long as I get things done (I am not sure if there will be time for this as she claims)

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I had my heart pretty much set on her - but today after the small problem with the 450 verses the 650 I had expected, and I started looking immediately.


Point is I figure I can probably (at least I hope) find someone that pays 450 much closer. And if she is not willing to at least pay 550 (and I know she could probably easily afford 650) there is no point traveling all that way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After I offered 650 a week and she said she was expecting to pay around 450 a week - I counter offered to try for a period for 550 a week with the understanding that I would take the connecting train (may be late but it is cheaper for me) and would leave early one day a week (this way I can keep my tutoring gig as well). I didn't hear back from her for a few days.


She responded today (and by coincidence today I renewed my ad that she had responded to! I wonder if she saw it and decided to write) and said that when I would start depended on certain things and it was uncertain am I still interested etc. I said yes I am in no rush and I am interested however more importantly I still have doubts whether this is financially reasonable for me for reasons I stated - but I am open to talking.



I don't know. Maybe I am being unreasonable. I really need the money too. But I just really don't think it's worth it for 450.

On another note - it seems the pay she is offering (now that I heard at least one more serious offer) is actually pretty reasonable if you don't factor in my costs for traveling (both money and time) and I told her this. But when you factor those in - especially if I lose my tutoring gig it becomes unreasonable and not worth it.


So if she was closer what she was paying would be pretty awesome. I'm conflicted in what to do

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