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Why do any girl seem to like me??


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Hi, uhmmm I really dont care much this cause all is at its time, but... I dont know what do women have on me that they only want me as a friend!!


Ive just had 1 girlfriend in my life, good time, but short, and she seems to have forgotten everything of when we were together but that isnt anything...


Every pretty girl Ive met, I ask someone else to ask the girl if she finds me attractive, but they just say uhmm no, but he's funny/cute/etc. Whats happening? What the hell I have?


I dont considere myself ugly, Im not fat, but aint slim too, Im strong, atheltic, Im social, and Im corteous and funny and with the pretty (girl) ones Im cute and those stuff!


I also finally asked the classic pretty but shy girl that seems to dont like anyone if she likes me, her friends (that are mine too) told me sometime she liked me, and I could swear she likes me..... but she said no!! She said that she likes the "valuated by the girls ones"


What do I have to be to be a liked guy?? Im confident, but this time i have to say * * * !!! (Ive been rejected more than 20 times in my life hehe)

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Are you needy? Are you the type to care too much? Are you "nice"?



I hate all of the above.

I know so many guys who have great things going on for them, good looks, good career, good sense of humour, whatever, but they're SO effing needy, they care too much about what other thinks/feels, and they're generally just really *nice*. It's great that you care about others, but when you let it compromise who you are, it's blah.


Maybe I don't understand it because I'm not nice, but I just don't find it honest. Sorry, off tangent, but I've rejected a lot of guys who are like that. Soooo, just putting it out there.

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Are you needy? Are you the type to care too much? Are you "nice"?



I hate all of the above.

I know so many guys who have great things going on for them, good looks, good career, good sense of humour, whatever, but they're SO effing needy, they care too much about what other thinks/feels, and they're generally just really *nice*. It's great that you care about others, but when you let it compromise who you are, it's blah.


Maybe I don't understand it because I'm not nice, but I just don't find it honest. Sorry, off tangent, but I've rejected a lot of guys who are like that. Soooo, just putting it out there.


i'm sure your sweet as sugar


I'm a pretty boring guy, and am TO NICE, so i couldn't blame you or any other girls, being around us kinda guys, everyone wants to be around someone fun and maybe the life of the party.

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