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Ex is haunting me


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After a week on NC it didnt work out. Something happened which angered me and i wrote a status on facebook aimed at my ex and he either saw it or someone told him, leading him to on msn say to me why am i calling him a loser and stuff, i told him why at first he was being nasty and then he was being like his old self and chatting nicely and wanting to help with the situation. I after a while just went offline as it was just too hard and it made me depressed that after a week of keeping my distance and not talking to him it got broken.


We have a lot of mutural friends so we are bound to bump into each other at some point during the week, unless i stay away from my friends to avoid dumping into him!


Yesterday was the day i bumped into him, and he was with my friends along with his own and a girl that is meant to be a mate aparently. As soon as he saw me his eyes were fixed on me, looking where i was going and just kept staring at me, and the girl he was with he was chatting to her but not fully focused on her. My friend also saw him doing this, and we were all standing outside a place where we were deciding whether to go in or not i was standing away from him for obvious reasons such as the break up, and he was on his bike and at one point he was stretching his kneck to look at me coz a guy stepped infront of him and blocked his view. For the whole time i was there he was just fixed on me i just dont know if this means anything or if he was just looking at me, im not sure what it means or if it means anything at all.Thing is he didnt come online last night and i think this means he has blocked me as he was writing on walls of friends on facebook but not online and he usually is, he still hasnt come on even now.


If he has blocked me i dont know why he has as i didnt do nething and he was the one who kept staring the whole time, and i dont know what that was all about either. What is the best thing for me to do in this situation, i miss and love him alot and it kills me to see him with other girls and flirting infront of me and basically showing me that hes moving on and trying it on with people that i have seen or am connected too, like hes trying to get a quik fix. Please help its driving me insane. Shud i try one last time and tell him how i feel or just leave it and walk away from it all and let him do whatever he wants with someone else?

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Going NC will relieve of the drama and put you in a better position to get back with your ex. If you can show indifference when he's flirting or going for other girls you will get the upperhand. But for now focus on you, who you want to be, and stop with the childish facebook crap.

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Going NC will relieve of the drama and put you in a better position to get back with your ex. If you can show indifference when he's flirting or going for other girls you will get the upperhand. But for now focus on you, who you want to be, and stop with the childish facebook crap.


Amen to that! Was the facebook post really necessary? Especially since you were trying so hard to keep him out of your life?


Just do NC 100%, or else this stuff will just keep happening. Whether he was staring at you or not is irrelevant, as you are trying to move on.

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I know but hes also trying it on with girls on facebook and has tried it on with atleast 6 gals and its so upsetting. I love him so much and dont know what to do, i am going to do NC and i did it for a week, and it got broken coz ppl were causing trouble. I just miss him so much and its hard and i dont know if hes moved on or if he still feels something even something small im just so confused!

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I just miss him so much and its hard and i dont know if hes moved on or if he still feels something even something small im just so confused!


If he misses you he will contact you. Im sure his paying notice to you sent your mind a drift, but its just human nature to eye chase an ex when you see them.

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I know but hes also trying it on with girls on facebook and has tried it on with atleast 6 gals and its so upsetting. I love him so much and dont know what to do, i am going to do NC and i did it for a week, and it got broken coz ppl were causing trouble. I just miss him so much and its hard and i dont know if hes moved on or if he still feels something even something small im just so confused!


No, NC was broken because you posted about him on your facebook. You can choose not to react to the "drama that ppl are causing". It's not easy, but it will keep you going with NC.


He is single, and he can date anyone he wants. I know you miss him, but you have to understand that. You have NO say in his life anymore.

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