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trust issues after cheating

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my boyfriend and i went through a rough patch after two years. he started having doubts as our relationship got more serious which brought out my insecurities as well. after we had broken up for a couple weeks he slept with my best friend. i was angry and sad and hurt but through all of it the only thing i wanted was to have him help me through feeling betrayed my best friend. Long story short we are back together and i am so happy, the problem is that all of the sudden i have jealousy and trust issues that were never there before and i feel guilty and im afraid that if i bring it up it will lead to a fight and he'll want to break up again. I'm just going through a lot of anxiety and i need some help

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This will not get any better.


You need to raise this with your boyfriend and he needs to be supportive of your feelings. If he isnt able to handle this and he breaks up with you, then it isnt meant to be.


You guys sound young and i would say that its really going to be easiest if you just get out now. My ex cheated on me a few times and we never survived. The jealous and insecurity became too much for both of us. That relationship is now over and your relationship will never be the same.


Spare yourself the heartache and move on

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Here's a question: Why would your best friend sleep with your then-ex?


Edit: You said you two were broken up, so it's not TECHNICALLY cheating. What he did was wrong and I'm not approving of his behaviour, just saying.


Also, I'd probably be more pissed at my best friend rather than my ex after that happened.

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i guess this is part i dont understand. my boyfriend and i have talked about it and at that time he had been trying to get back together but i wasnt ready, that night my roommate, his best friend, and myself all yelled at him and told him to stop trying because it basically wasn't going to happen. again im not sure why but my then best friend decided she needed to comfort him instead of me (obviously i was dealing with a breakup as well) and it sounds like she came onto him and in his blackout drunken stupor he made the mistake of sleeping with her because she was the only one that was caring about him at the time. She admitted a crush on him which probably has something to do with it.

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dont worry ive already come to that conclusion, thats why were back together i can actually understand what happened in his mind. and i am definitely more angry with my friend, this is why i feel guilty in the first place, i want to be with him but all the sudden i want to know if he's talking to any girls or if hes comparing me to her or stupid things like that, i know they most likely arent true i just cant get them out of my head

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I can see how you feel why he cheated. My advice would be to voice your problems. Consider the fact that you may never be able to trust him again. You need to be able to trust someone your in a relationship with. Maybe you need some space to figure out what you want and how you feel. Hope everything works out for you.

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