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My Doctor suggested i get a colonscopy, im really anxious and nervous.

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Well like i said in other threads,i have been having stomache problems here and there. I have had constipation problems since i was a little kid, and as i got older it seemed to get worse, from painful cramps to vomiting, and one time in the emergency room were they gave me an enema. Anyways last week i went to my doctors and she told me this has been going on for a while now and suggested i'd go to a specialist and get a colonscopy done to see if theres anything in my intestines. Now all i do is think about it,how i dont want to do it but at the same time i want to find out whats wrong and why its painful to go to the bathroom sometimes. Some friends have told me its like getting surgery basically,they have to sleep and numb you because its real painful to get a long wire with a camera up your you know what.(i know i cant swear on this site). But yeah i never had surgery before or any kind of anesthetic operation and im nervous about it and dont know what to expect. Ive always had this sense of fear of hospitals and OR rooms, i have heard horror stories of people waking up before time and etc....

Im not trying to be a coward or nothing, it just i never had something like this and i dont like embarrasment i might get out of it. I just wish all this nervousness and anxiety and fear would leave my life...

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I have had it done twice. The worst part is actually the preparation the day before when you have to drink this nasty tasting stuff and then run to the bathroom all evening. Can't eat anything except jello (but not red jello) and clear liquids. The procedure itself is not so bad. The first time I was completely knocked out and woke up after it was done. The second time I fell asleep and woke up during the procedure but was so out of it that I was only semi-aware of what was going on. During the procedure they pump up your colon with air so that after the procedure your stomach is really bloated with air. That is very uncomfortable until you slowly release the air from your butt. You should not drive a car right after a colonoscopy.

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I have had it done twice. The worst part is actually the preparation the day before when you have to drink this nasty tasting stuff and then run to the bathroom all evening. Can't eat anything except jello (but not red jello) and clear liquids. The procedure itself is not so bad. The first time I was completely knocked out and woke up after it was done. The second time I fell asleep and woke up during the procedure but was so out of it that I was only semi-aware of what was going on. During the procedure they pump up your colon with air so that after the procedure your stomach is really bloated with air. That is very uncomfortable until you slowly release the air from your butt. You should not drive a car right after a colonoscopy.


oh ok, why did you have it done and was it painful after ?

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oh ok, why did you have it done and was it painful after ?


Colon cancer is in the family so I have it done to screen for polyps. Afterwards it was uncomfortable because of all the trapped air. I wouldn't classify it as excruciating pain, however. It was just discomfort and a tiny bit of pain.

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Colon cancer is in the family so I have it done to screen for polyps. Afterwards it was uncomfortable because of all the trapped air. I wouldn't classify it as excruciating pain, however. It was just discomfort and a tiny bit of pain.


oh ok that sucks, well im the only one in the family that has stomache problems lol

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I'll do 20 colonscopies if it meant not having to do 1 endoscopy--lol.


I agree with this completely. After having had both, an endoscopy is far more uncomfortable. With a colonoscopy they'll give you some medication that makes you pretty out of it and it causes loss of memory of most of the experience. The preparation the day before is the most hassle. The procedure itself is over pretty quickly.

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It's not nearly as bad as surgery, honest.


Had it done both ways at the same time. That's what they call a colonendoscopy.


I would rate the experience somewhere between waking up after a night of excessive vodka consumption, and the first day of wisdom tooth extraction. Tolerable, though I wouldn't recommend it as a daily activity.

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My mom had them done 2-3 times this month (different preps: sometimes that 3 quarts of the liquid mixed with lemon flavor or mineral oil or an enema), she's having surgery on Wednesday for a tumor (benign). They are planning to do multiple surgeries removing pieces of it at a time. As long as they take she won't have to have them remove the colon and use a bag for the rest of her days. D:


I'd appreciate it for those out there to keep her in your prayers.

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Hi Shadow,


I have had one done, and the hardest part was the preparation the day before. I was asleep during the procedure and was just fine after...


Here are some pointers: make sure you will have a bathroom available just for you the day before for the prep time


Follow their instructions well, so that they can get the best pictures (no eating seeds, etc.)


Line up a trusty ride home


Wear loose pants or elastic waisted pants for afterward


Okay, for your issues: Always drink enough water each and every day -- if you are dehydrated, then your colon extracts most of the water out of your waste and that is when you get constipated

Eat a salad every night for dinner

Eat only whole grain breads

Check to see if you are gluten or wheat sensitive! Try eating wheat free bread (read the labels or ask at your store). I have known people who were sensitive to wheat and they cut it out of their diet and now they feel sooooo much better!

Limit your dairy and cheese intake (you may be slightly lactose intolerant and not know it) or use lactase enzymes to help your body digest dairy

Eat lots of yogurt with live culture

Take the following supplement: Lactobacillus GG (one brand name is Culturelle) to promote healthy bacteria growth in your colon. It has to be that particular strain of Lactobacillus GG, as studies have shown it is able to make it unscathed all the way down to your GI tract.


Go to a farmer's market this summer regularly and start eating those veggies and fruits!

And remember: drink your water every meal

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My mom had them done 2-3 times this month (different preps: sometimes that 3 quarts of the liquid mixed with lemon flavor or mineral oil or an enema), she's having surgery on Wednesday for a tumor (benign). They are planning to do multiple surgeries removing pieces of it at a time. As long as they take she won't have to have them remove the colon and use a bag for the rest of her days. D:


I'd appreciate it for those out there to keep her in your prayers.


I hope the surgeries go well. It sounds like she has a rather large tumour if they are removing it in multiple surgeries.

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