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How long does it take?

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It's been 3 months since we broke up. She wanted to stay friends, I told her i needed time to get over her, so we don't talk or see each other. I still think about her every second, miss her, cry, feel depressed ALL the time. When does it stop?


I have had many opportunities to be with other people and it just doesn't interest me. Normally a distraction is what works, but not this time. I really truly love her.


What do i do to get past this? Sigh.

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I dunno - It's a hard one. Very hard. Sometimes I use the ol "re-set" button to make myself feel better. Re-set my head back to BEFORE I met him. I was happy and single then, right? So, I can be happy and single now. Then sometimes, I feel it's better to welcome those awful feelings...yes, REALLY feel them, instead of pushing them away. Pretty soon I get so bored with the whole drama and start to laugh at it. And the most important thing is that you are doing NC. You did the right thing.

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Being friends usually doesn't work...it's been 3 months and you keep torturing yourself over her,,that is why it is taking this long to start healing..you really need to change any thought of her when it pops up in your head to something else..it's been 3 months for me and 3 months ago I would have never thought I would be feeling this stable when at 1st it was all thoughts about her..but if you work on you and only you it will get easier..of course you will have down days but soon they will be hours then minutes..then every so often.

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Yep it hurts. I can feel you. I know what you are going tru, you can never tell when you will really and truly get over someone. I guess its about how much you loved this person. Its more than a year for me, and i still wish i can smell his skin just for a second or just touch him.


What do you do to get past it? what can you really do? nothing! jk You have to have your mind set on moving on, dont do what i did and concentrate on all the hope and wishing he would come back. it will never happen again... just move on by occupying yourself and doing things you like and making new frens. I have met some cool people on this site, and we are all here to help!

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