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Went on vacation, got a number..


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I went on a vacation with a bunch of guys to the beach these past days. While down there, we stopped at a restaurant and got some food.


Our waitress was beautiful! And one of the older (60ish) men said to her "these two young boys (my friend and I) want something to do tonight" blah blah.


From there, it was constant teasing of me and her back and forth about us going out and flirting. Long story short, she wrote her number on the receipt.



I called her the next day to see if she wanted to do anything later that night (had only one night left) She said she got off work late but would love to hang with me when she is off. It got around that time but she wanted to go to a bar and I am only 20, blah blah


It didnt work out but I asked if her I can keep texting her. She said yes and that she would keep my number and I should hit her up next time I am down there and that she is coming up my way soon and she can drop by to see me


I have 0 experience in something like this. I have no clue where to go, when to text her, what to text her, should I stay with this... blah blah


Please help me!

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That's really exciting, but how far away is she? Are you looking for a relationship? I have a feeling the excitement will fade (for both of you) because you won't have much access to each other to keep the spark alive and to get to know each other. However I guess relationships (like online relationships) can develop at a distance.


I would suggest doing more than texting if you really want to keep in touch with this girl. Either phone her, skype, online chat, get her email address--anything that doesn't limit the conversation like text messaging does.

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