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I broke up with & started no contact with my LONG DISTANCE ex about 5 weeks ago. 3 weeks after we broke up he had a new girlfriend. The final time I spoke to him he was very cruel, and I decided no contact was best for me to heal.


1 week after out final chat, which was horrible, he posted on twitter, "hey not sure if you still check up on this but just messaging you to see if your alright. You dont have to come on skype, just making sure your safe and ok. Erm yea would be nice to get a little message on here. Thanx xxxxx"


I never responded, still hurt, and obviously not ready yet to be friends. Plus I was still pissed at the way he treated me the last time we spoke.


Last week I started getting really depressed, and these feelings of, "omg, is he the one? will he still want to be my friend? should i contact him?" kept coming into my head. Luckily, I didn't contact him. I had to tell myself that I wasn't in the emotional state to, especially if, god forbid, he mentioned his new girl when talking to me.


Today he wrote on twitter again, "How you doing, not heard anything from you. You ok ???? xxxx" This is exactly a month since his last post. So, he didn't try to contact me for a month.


I haven't responded. I really would like opinions on this. I know him, & have this feeling that he just wants an ego boost. I think he wants to know that I still check his twitter, & have feelings for him. But I don't WANT him to know that, and honestly..I'm proud of myself for keeping no contact this long. I usually suck at it, & talk to him within a day, and I think he knows it..so now he's shocked that I haven't spoken to him at all.


I just posted this to get some opinions. I mean, he has a new girlfriend right? And I haven't spoken to him since before he got her, but shouldn't he be happy with her, not wanting to check up on me? Does anyone have any opinions on why he's contacting me? (even though he doesn't know if i read it or not) Do you think he's doing it for that ego boost or because he actually cares? Or maybe just to see if I'm honestly not dead? And really, if he got a new girlfriend within 3 weeks of our breakup..he couldn't have cared for me that much right? So, is his contact really caring for me, or does he have an ulterior motive?


BTW, He has NO way of telling how I'm doing. I don't have facebook, twitter, or anything he could go view. He only has my email, and messenger, and knows that I have his twitter link, but I haven't responded..so as far as he knows, I don't read it.


I guess now I'm just second guessing myself again. I think that I want to be friends, then I don't. I realize that he's with someone else, I'm not over him, and talking to him as friends will just be a set back for me. But then I think that if I don't respond to his twitter's..like, what if he just stops? And he never tries to contact me again, and we really are never friends? I realize that once I'm fully over him I won't even care, and won't desire his friendship. Blah, it just hurts right now. So, any opinions on what to do with this would really help. Thank you.

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I am in NC as well but for GOD sake please do NOT and I repeat DO NOT reply him. From what you typed, and again, I can only base on what you typed here, he sounded like a freaking jerk. Reminded me of somebody I dated, 200% jerk. Please try to get over him and live a much better life than him so he will regret bUT do not reply. That jerk I mentioned above contacted me 3 months later. Hello, he got a new GF 1 week after he dumped me...WTH!!!?? And he announced that on his facebook and updated his status on where they both went and etc. Later he found out that chic has some kinda mental illness and they parted ways and he called me. I wanted to congratulate him for dumpin me for a psycho chic whom almost used a knife on him when they argued. LoL


I am glad he dumped me, coz I do not want to suffer. trust me When he dumped me I got lay off and I felt really like hell. Coz I have too much time to ponder about why he dumped me!

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^^^^^^This. I agree so much.



Do Not respond to him.


Do Not contact him.


Do Not respond to him.


Do Not contact him.


Do Not respond to him.


Do Not contact him.


Do Not respond to him.


Do Not contact him.




Do Not respond to him OR contact him.



He really does seem like a grade "A" j-e-r-k. Did I mention to NOT respond to or contact to him?

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BTW, He has NO way of telling how I'm doing. I don't have facebook, twitter, or anything he could go view. He only has my email, and messenger, and knows that I have his twitter link, but I haven't responded..so as far as he knows, I don't read it.


Ok. And I presume he has your phone number too. That means he knows how to get in touch with you. If he really wanted to know if you are not dead, he could call.


He just wants to know if you are checking his twitter.

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