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He gives mixed signals!! Does he like me or not???


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There's this really fine guy I've been feeling all school year.He's a year older than me, he graduated with the class of 04, I'm class of 05.Well we go to the same church, & we went to the same school... We never really talked to each other... But I'm feeling dude... It wasn't until last semester... That he started noticing me... Because I remember like when I was staring at him at lunch at school.... I was looking... He looked over at my direction & he smiled a little bit.... We lock eye contact for about 5 seconds then he looks away.Then I wonder if that really happened!?At church... we stare also... he does the same thing.... I'm thinking, he's probably staring because he recognizes me from school.



One night I went to the church for a special teen meeting like a month ago... Of course he was there.... There were like food & drink. So I went to get some food & I sat down. So later, I see him get up & I start staring again,I can kind of see him looking at me out the corner of his eye.So he walks over to my seat,hovering over me basically for a minute.... I was going to say something but I was too shy.I guess he was thinking about what he was going to say because he was hovering for a good 10 to 15 secs... He smiled at me and asked me if anyone was sitting next to me? I smiled and I was like no... so he sat next to me... I was really nervous, my heart was racing, I had butterflies in my stomach & I couldn't move because I never been so close to him. This was like the perfect opportunity to talk to him... but I could not even think of anything & I was too shy.He didn't say anything to me after he asked if anyone was sitting next to me.Basically, I saw my friends later, I moved & I sat with them & started talking.... But when I got home... I was like I screwed up for real.




Lately, I haven't caught him staring at me.... I'm sad to say it but I think he lost interest in me because I took so long ... If he was interested to begin with that is... I don't know... He's about to go off to college in the fall anyway,before anything starts with us... he'll be gone in a couple of months.I know he'll see more interesting girls out there & we'd probably eventually split apart.Everytime I go to church, I convince myself that I'm going to talk to him... but I always get scared.I'm scared he's going to think I'm weird or goofy if I just start talking to him.I know he played for the basketball team for our school this year... I can talk to him about that, but I'm really not that much of a basketball fan... I don't even know if he liked me.... Sigh... I don't know what to do??

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The next time you talk to him, just talk! Don't worry about the consequences, and since he's human too, he will probably be thinking the same thing...just follow your feelings, and talk! Being shy once held me back too...but once I stopped worrying about if a girl would like me or not, and started talking, I wasn't shy any more...

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Posting tip: Use paragraphs you will get more responses because its easier to read.


Here is what I just posted in another topic.


All you can do is get up the courage to do it and face your fears. Here are some tips to get up the courage:


1) Do it when your alone

2) Take deep breaths and count to 1! Don't count to 10 because you will discourage yourself.

3) Write out what you want to say before hand. Review what you write before you go to ask her and approach her. When you actually ask her everything you wrote will go out the window but you will do an excellent job because your there and you know you want to ask.


If you talk to him it wont hurt anything. Even if he needs to leave and you guys split up in a couple of months it will be worth your time and hopefully you will value it!


Let us know how it goes.

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LOL, I do this all the times with guys I've liked & I missed alot of opportunites. Also with the guys I like.... If they talk to me... I tend not to look them in the face & not talk so much because I'm so nervous... Then I always come off being stuck up or they just give up talking to me... But with this guy.. I don't want it to happen... I'm going to give you guys some of the things I'm going to say to this guy on Sunday...


1.)Hi, how's it going, my name is Alicia.... Didn't you go to my school last year?? Of course he's going to be like yeah, so I'll continue & say that I've been seeing him around the school.


2.)Then I'll ask him what grade he's in...acting like I really don't know...


I really don't know what else to talk to him about from there.... I hope he's a friendly talkative guy... Sigh... I don't know...

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thats a tough one but as all of ur replies say go up an talk to him the most he could do is talk to u or walk away n if he walks away he isnt worth it... dont miss the oppertunity to become friends it might turn into something more but you'll never kno if u dont go and talk to him and find out!... so next time ur at church or u see him go and talk to him be friendly ask about school.. wut college hes going to.. hey if all fails talk about his car guys luv their cars haha.. hope this helps!


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After reading your post it made me re-live memories of an attraction to a woman I had a while back. I was going to ignore this school kids post as it had already been replied to and I don't generally reply to school kids who are convinced that they have 'found THE one'. Your post has touched me though so I now feel compelled to respond to it even though I normally wouldn't.


First of all let me comment on the eye contact. Yes it was what you wondered about. If you lock eyes with someone for several seconds before breaking the eye contact the other person is also attracted towards you. If this happens on several occasions and you find yourself continually looking to see if they are looking and they are then they are playing the same game to see if you like them. I had this happen once with someone I really liked and I didn't take any notice of it. I simply ignored it and it's been eating me ever since.


You said you could see him looking at you out of he corner of his eye. In public men don't like to get rejected. Not many men have the nerve to make eye contact with someone they like infront of other people for fear that they will be rejected in public and look like a fool. The fact that he was still trying to keep an eye on you without being noticed shows that he likes you.


He approached you, sat next to you and then wasn't sure about how to proceed once he was next to you. This isn't un-usual. You should not of been shy either though - He was obviously sitting there because he liked you. It's a shame you got up and went to see friends because that would of been the instant 'I'm not interested' sign that he did not want to see.


You say that you haven't seen him looking at you lately and I doubt you will. He has obviously got the impression that you wern't interested. This was not your fault. He is the male and in all fairness he had approached you he should of continued. He should not expect you to do the rest.


Word of advice. You say that the next time you see him you are going to talk to with:

Hi, how's it going, my name is Alicia.... Didn't you go to my school last year?? Of course he's going to be like yeah, so I'll continue & say that I've been seeing him around the school.


He knows who you are. You know he went to your school and he knows you know. Thats ok for small talk I suppose but it's a bit un-necessary as you both know everything your talking about. Instead a simple 'Hi how are you these days? would do the trick. Simple but effective.


Then I'll ask him what grade he's in...acting like I really don't know...

Bad idea - You don't want to look like some brainless nerd. You know about him and there's no harm in admitting it. He likes you he's not going to mind and he's not going to reject you.


Good luck... school kid



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LOL, I guess it's like not meant for us to be together... I go to church on Sunday looking for him & he's no where to be found... Now I have to wait until next Sunday to talk to him..... Sigh.... This waiting is getting me anxious....I just hope he's there this coming Sunday...

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LOL, I guess it's like not meant for us to be together... I go to church on Sunday looking for him & he's no where to be found... Now I have to wait until next Sunday to talk to him..... Sigh.... This waiting is getting me anxious....I just hope he's there this coming Sunday...


Doesn't mean a thing if he wasn't there. Maybe he was ill or something!


Feeling anxious is when you know you really like someone - You never get worked up about someone you don't really like. I know instantly whether I like someone or not - If I like I get nervous and anxious - If I don't like I feel nothing.


Good luck!



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