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need to to try to accept it but how


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hi all, so i had a talk with my bf of 4 months over a few things.


He is totally into sports which makes his life very busy. Hes always doing races which means a lot of training so he does not have an awful amonut of time to see me. He put it to me straight.... i need to either accept his level of commitment to his sports or walk away, hes not going to cut them down as its something he loves. Fair enough really as its the person he is.


I also said to him i felt he didnt feel as excited in the relationship as he once did. He reassured me that he still wants to be with me and still feels the same but the ball is in my court with the sports.


Now im not sure what to do... i want to give things a go but any advice on how to accept things? if i obviously cannot accept it after a couple of months then ill need to decide if i should end things but i dont want to.


thanks x

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If you're already having doubts, you may as well cut your losses now. It's not going to get any better. He's telling you that although you're having a problem, he is putting his own wishes completely above yours, regardless of how you feel.

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I think overall, your priorities are different, and thats where the problem is coming from. This will be something hard to accept, if your basic desires from a relationship are different.


If you want to be with someone who can invest more time in a relationship, you need to find that person. He isn't it.


Long term happiness, and relationship satisfaction will come with finding someone who meets your needs.


Either you make yourself equally as busy to fill the time, or move along. Acceptance will be hard because he isn't meeting your needs. You are more or less, settling in this situation.

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