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Broke NC today. Stop me from begging him

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We broke up 1 month back. I was in NC for past 3 weeks. I broke it today. I wrote to him 'i miss u'. He didn't reply back. Cannot stop crying. I am in such a mess. It is finally over. I was hoping he will come back. But he will not right? Somebody tell me, he is going to come back. Plzzz. I am in such a pain. I miss him so much. He could have replied atleast. He didn't. He has become so cold. So cold.


I want to beg him to come back now. But I don't want to loose my self respect anymore. I wish I had a magic wand. Or a Jeanie. Or a time machine. I would just wave the wand and make everything ok. Make him and me happy again. Make him and me in each others arm. I miss him so much. How do I stop missing him. How?

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No no! Don't beg him!! You know this. It won't help.


I know what you're saying. I miss mine, too. You're probably not in the mood for philosophy, but try to separate him from everything else. You miss holding someone. You miss loving someone. He was the object of your affection before but he's not the only man in the world. You'll find someone else to love! Your happiness has to come from you now. Yes, you were happy with him. But you were happy before him, too. You can be happy again. And more importantly, there's nothing he can do for you. He's not there. The feelings aren't there. You know his phone number and you can call him, but what you want just isn't there anymore!


Pretend he died. Cry your eyes out with grief, but know that he's gone . . . just as if he died. Regroup tomorrow as if you'll never see him again, as if he no longer existed. What would you do if he really had died? You'd have to get on without him, right? That's what you have to do right now.


Stay strong, hon. There's absolutely nothing to be gained by contacting him now. Imagine how you'll feel if you send that text or email and he ignores that too. You know you don't want that.

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we know exactly how your feeling, it's been a really bad day for all of us, don't go begging him, try and calm down, your just going through the normal process after a breakup, them awful waves of missing them, i call them miss him pangs...no one can tell you how to stop missing him, you've just got to try get busy, put your focus on other stuff....i really do feel for you. No one can say if he'll come back cause were not in his head, all you can do is give him space, and in the meantime move on with your life.

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We can tell you one thousand and one times to not contact him and if you want to you will. You are the only one that can not break NC, we can only give you encouragement, but essentially you're the one who makes the decisions. I was in your shoes, I broke NC so many times and while my friend was telling me to not break NC there was nothing she could do to stop me, except be there to pick up the pieces every time I was disappointed or hurt by his words.


What you need to realize and what I realized a little too late is; if this person cared and wanted to be with you, he could contact you. You wouldn't even need to go through the pain of NC. Be strong, even though this could be one of the hardest times, you need to force yourself to try and move on and continue your life. As time goes on it will get better. Give it a few months. I know thinking about it now seems like it will drag on forever, but you will be okay. Just remember, there will be a time when you wont be feeling so miserable anymore.


EDIT: OH, and don't beg him. You will end up only hurting yourself because he will laugh at you and it wont be at all appealing. It will just make him want to be more apart from you.

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Thank you. Thank you. I am calm now. Having a headache now after crying so much. But I am better. I wish I had not written that 'i miss u' today and broken my NC. But I happy that he didn't reply back. Thats a lesson for me. Yes. This relationship is dead. I have to actually pretend he is not there anymore. so there is no one to call or text or email. I was really doing good for last 3 weeks and today I just broke down. I am going out with friends, eating well, actually sleeping also well. Thank you all. ENA has kept me sane. Thank you for reminding me I was about to do the mistake that I would have regretted so much.

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I understand how you feel and I'm sure most people on the forum would, as we have all been there at one time or another. You know it's over and that is the first step. I suggest if you feel like contacting him compose an email but don't send it. Of course this isn't like the real thing where he reads it, but at least you will release some steam and wont break NC at the same time.

Many people write journals about their break up, personally while I think this can help some individuals, it also drags on for months and months, which turns into them still not being over the person even after a very long time. Health wise, I don't think that is good, but to each their own. You seem to know where you're at and what you need to do, that's a good place to be in.

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As depressing as it may be to think, you have to tell yourself that you're helpless with respect to his feelings towards you. All you can do is move on and let time heal you. It won't hurt so much after a while. He may cross your mind, but you'll know there's nothing you can do and you'll continue to move on..

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