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When is it considered cheating?


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I constantly look at appealing women all the time, even though I'm engaged to a very sweet and sexy woman I love very much. Is it bad to fantasize about voluptuous women when engaged? Also, is chatting online with lots of women considered cheating, especially when you have online sex with them, but never meet them in person?

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Also, is chatting online with lots of women considered cheating, especially when you have online sex with them, but never meet them in person?

Yes, I would consider that a form of cheating. Sure, it may not be "physical" as such, but it sure is emotional cheating. How would YOU like it if your fiancee was having online sex with lots of men??


I already feel bad and sorry for your fiancee. She really doesn't deserve this. It's both wrong and unfair (imo). I hope she discovers this soon so that she can leave before getting married.


What I consider cheating is doing anything that you wouldn't do in front of your partner or in their presence. Would you be talking to and having lots of online sex with lots of women in front of her, in her presence?? I think not - hence cheating.

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I think a lot of people use semantics to try to justify things that they know are wrong.


No, I don't think that checking out other women is cheating. No, I don't think chatting (or even having cyber-sex) is cheating.


That being said, both of those actions show a lack of dedication and passion for your relationship. A 'lack of dedication and passion' for a relationship (with someone you are engaged to!) is reason enough for me, personally, to leave a relationship. It's not like someone is obligated to stay with you as long as you stay within the boundaries of "not cheating". The word 'cheating' is not some magic door where as long as you don't pass through it, you are safe. Lack of commitment is most definitely a valid reason to leave a relationship!


What you are doing is wrong - and you know it (otherwise you wouldn't be asking the question) - so, stop trying to justify it with semantics!


I think you really need to figure out why you are engaged. 'Cause... it doesn't make sense to any of us... Just sayin'.

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Looking and fantasizing about women is not considered cheating. However, cyber sex with other women is considered cheating, in my opinion.


If you love your gf, why would you feel the need to have online sex with other people?


If the tables were turned, and she was having online sex with other men, would you consider it as cheating? Physical or not, it's disrespectful to your relationship.

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Would anything you do be considered disloyal if your GF did it?


If you're honest enough with yourself to slice through double-standards, you'll see that categories and labels aren't the point, they're just a way of distracting yourself from the bottom line.


If you're doing anything with anyone that you wouldn't want GF to know about, then you're already hiding things from GF, and you're not even married yet.


Not being ready for marriage isn't a crime. Marrying when you're clear that you're not ready? That's a life sentence that takes someone else down with you.

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I constantly look at appealing women all the time, even though I'm engaged to a very sweet and sexy woman I love very much. Is it bad to fantasize about voluptuous women when engaged? Also, is chatting online with lots of women considered cheating, especially when you have online sex with them, but never meet them in person?


Ya - thats cheating....maybe you need to tell your fiance and let her decide whether or not she wants to get married, or if she considers this cheating.


How would you feel about your fiancee having online sex with men?

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