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told him i wanted to talk now hes gone funny


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hi all, ive been with my bf for nearly 4 months and theres a few things niggling at me which i decided was time to speak to him about. These things were pretty big and would either kill or cure the relationship.


I had been away over the weekend and told him sat nite in a text (mayb i should have called) i wanted to meet up to talk about a few things. Well since i said that hes completely gone into his shell and ignored i even asked him to meet up. Hes been very quiet towards me and on the two occasions ive had texts off him hes not put any kisses, he also avoiding to meet up with me.


What colud this mean? is he thinking he wants out of the relationship as well and how do i play it now? if hes not going to meet up or communicate with me then maybe i should put my thoughts down in an email or just completely ingnore him until he contacts me?


Pls help! Thanks

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If you already see it in his actions that he is not that focused on the relationship, then I think it's best to contact him one last time to talk about the relationship.


Even if he doesn't want to meet up with you, I think that you still deserve some sort of closure to the relationship.


Rather than constantly texting him, I think it's best that you pick up your phone and call him to talk to him.


It really doesn't pay for you to ignore him and play along with his games. It's not worth it. Just do what you have to do. Good luck.

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i think its a good idea as well then at least i feel like ive said what i wanted to say. How long do i leave it before sending? im thinking i give him a bit of time to respond to me maybe couple of days then if nothing ill send a letter?

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