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your experiences in this career?

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I have been thinking about going to school to become a medical lab technician. There is a good program offered at a tech school nearby.

It is 2 yrs with the second year being a practicum at a hospital in the city.

It would require me to take some prerequisite courses such as medical terminology & anatomy/physiology.


I have been considering this career because I enjoy helping people. Currently I work at an optometrists office doing pretesting and reception and I really enjoy it. I do want to go back to school though, which is why I am considering this.


The thing that scares me the most is the science. I did not have good science classes in high school so I feel like I really missed out. I have always had good study habits though, and I always did extremely well in school so that kind of eases my mind.



I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with this profession?

also any advice?

I was also wondering how hard correspondence courses are? That is what the prerequisite courses are like and I will also be working full time so I am wondering if that would be too hard to do?


also, I plan on doing a job shadow somewhere before I venture into this.. just so I know what the career is like.


but I'd also like to hear your opinions, thanks.

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I don't have any experiences in this career, but do know that it doesn't matter the type either good or bad science classes you had in high school. Once you get into the program, the classes you would be taking would be fairly different then the high school or college classes you have taken. I hope this doesn't discourage you, but if you truly want to get into the profession, I say you go for it if you really want to. You won't know until you actually do it! Good luck!

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