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going lc now but dont know how effective it will be

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dang so ive reestablished contact with the ex and we've been hanging out and having fun probably like once a week but know im texting her little things every once in a while..things like i hope you are having a good day or im happy that we're hanging out and talking again after 4 weeks nc but even though we talk in person she does not return my test messages and it is fustrating...my friends say that i need to regain her trust again and maybe buy her a dozen roses or buy her a gift everytime i think about her and then put them in a box and deliver it because they know her like i do and they say the best thing to do is just put yourself out there and that is a battle within itself but i am more tha willing to do it because i love her but i just wish i had a sign from her that she cares and not just ignore my text's.

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Yeah I would cut back on the texting. When you're together in person things seem fine and you do see eachother so something is going right, but the texting obviously isn't something she is ready to reciprocate. So give it a rest...if she liked it but just never had time to respond you can bet she'll ask why you didn't text as much.


I say try NIC for a while... let her lead and see if she keeps going forward.

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