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If you could say one last thing to your ex, what would it be?

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You lied to me. You used me. You led me on. And then you insulted me by thanking me for letting you be honest with me. Face it, you're one selfish person. Thankfully, my pain will lead to self-improvement. Your deceit, however, leads only to more years of you being the crazy single lady with all the cats. Good luck with that.


Of course, more than likely I'll just bump into her, be surprised, and say something like "hey, how are you? I'm good thanks. See you around."

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I can not believe all the pain you put me through from the time you made your decision in Jan to move on from me. Why did you make it so hard on me? Why did you lie to me about why you were breaking up? Why didn't you just break up with me and leave? Why didn't you just tell me you were not happy and were entertaining another guy and were planning to sleep with him or already had?


I asked you if you wanted to break up and you said "that is not what I am saying" All of your actions were saying that! Then you blame the break up on me because I said I could not take it any more and did not believe you were just wanting some time to work on you!


So for the next month you play your little games of just giving me a little time from here and there but never really let me go. Then after a month you and this guy break up and all the sudden you are back hanging out with me "the back up guy til something better comes along". You even go as far as to sleep with me one last time in March on St. Pattys day.


You gave me all this false hope keeping my heart tore open the whole time still lying and telling me your are not dating anyone and have not since the break up. So you ask me how many dates I have been on since the bu and I tell you a few and you say I must have slept with them. I ask you how many dates and you say none. LIAR! I ask you what you consider a date and you say dinner and movie. So I ask you how many guys you went out partying with got messed up and went home and slept with. You look at me and say this is not a good conversation for us! Of course not because you are a decieving liar!


You continue to that day to lie about why you really broke up with me and that you had slept with you know who. So now it is into April and you are still keeping me around alot partying with me, treating me like a bf when we are at the club but not coming home with me after. Then the last straw we go to the park the next day after partying all weekend at the club making out but you not cominig home with me. Then you friendzone me at the park!


Why did you not explain to me that it was really over? Why did you keep leading me on? Why did you not give me the respect to tell me the truth? You hurt me badly by your actions and never gave me closer. I wish we could have ended it right, I tried. I tried to let it end the right way. You just would never open up and be honest with me and tell me the truth.


So I went NC it has been 7 weeks. You have the nerve to have your best friend send me a text while I am out partying asking whats up? I know you put her up to it! You did not have the balls to send it yourself. Then you go and send me a drunk text the same night at 1:30 in the morninig tellin me you f..king miss me! I wake up in the morning to this text along with you best friend sending me an email telling me that you only meant you missed hanging out with me and having fun...that' what you meant by your text. Really? You are so chicken you can not show me the respect to send it yourself?


Wow, don't you realize how hurtful that was? You could have at least sent it yourself. Then last week you take the picture of us and crop it and use it as your profile pic on FB. Really? I am still clearly in the picture with you! Didn't you think of how that would make me feel? It was so insensitive to do that! I then deleted you from my friends list on FB. That was really hard for me to do. Now I have deleted you best friend who did not take it real well yesterday.


I at least tried with her to be respectful and do it with class. She was not real happy obviously and changed her profile pic to one with you and her and some guy in it. Nice!


Anyways ex , I need to get over you. I need to keep reminding myserlf how you treated me and why I don't need you in my life.


1. decieved me

2. used me for your own emotional support

3. ego boost

4. free drinks

5. don't care about my feelings

6. never gave me the respect to let me out gracefully

7. kept me on a string until I cut you off and went NC

8. obviously don't want to come back

9. you obviously don't care enough about me to consider my feelings on the matter


So now we are into 7 weeks of NC and it sucks bad that I have to now live with this the way it ended the rest of my life.


I wish we could sit down and talk but you will never tell me the truth. There is now to much hurt between us and I am sure you are hurt that I deleted you from FB and took down all our pictures and untagged you in all the one of us that were on your page.


Goodbye ex. I now really need to forget about you and move on with my life. You have taken up way too much of my emotional energy and are killing me. I have to get beyound you. You really don't deserve me.


I wish I would not have ever met you and loved you. I am stuck now. I can not reach out to you ever since doing so would make me look weak and pathetic. You would just know you had me right where you wanted me.


It was a set back for me to delete you from FB because it has made me wonder what you think of it. How it effected you. I just still care too much.


With all this said and with all the facts so clear as to why you are not good for me I still love the person you were when we were together. I have to somehow realize that person is long gone and the real person is the one you have been since the breakup.


God help me to let go of this girl and the image I have created in my mind. Why did we have to have such fun together and good sex. I really miss that. I know even if you came back i could never trust you again.


Goodbye my love, I need you out of my head. Enough journaling about you, thinking of you. I need to be with someone who loves me and will not walk out on me without even telling me why. Someone who will not string me on for months until i can not take it anymore and have to check out because of the brutal heartache you were causeing me.


I really hate you at the same time. I am seriously thinking of sending you an email telling you everything I said in this rant.

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  • 2 years later...

You were my first boyfriend. I know I dumped you. I thought we weren't meant to be together. I thought all relationships were supposed to be easy. I thought all guys would treat me as good as you did. They didnt. I was wrong, and im sorry for taking you and your kindness for granted.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There isn't a day that goes by when I don't think about you, see or hear something that reminds me of you. I just want to let go but it's been so hard. I want to move on and get myself together but it has not happened yet. I have so many unanswered questions. I'm not sure if the honest answers would help or hurt but I have this need to know which consumes me at times. I'm not trying to lay a guilt trip on you, but I really want to know if you understand how much this has hurt me. You know what screw these words. I just want to hold you one more time.

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I would like to say "You really are the daughter of your parents - a murderer (emotionally to me), a liar, a thief, and a brutal opportunist. You also fled our relationship and never looked back, the same way your family fled your home country when your parents were indicted. That said, you are also brilliant and a great actress ...when you want something."

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As you left our home for the last time, you said " Think about it _____, why would you want to be with someone like me anyway"


I have thought about nothing but that for the last 10 months........and I have come to the conclusion that you are right, I DON'T want to be with someone like you, not now, not ever.

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I would say nothing. I've said nothing for nearly 3 years now (no contact) and that hasn't changed. I've been in a new relationship for nearly 2 years now and even if I were single I'd still say nothing to you. Silence speaks volumes.

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You were right when you said I deserve better than you, you did nothing but waste my time and string me along. I hope you get everything you deserve. Having said that, if I saw him I'm sure I would even acknowledge him, the pain is just too fresh and I don't feel that he deserves my attention after how he treated me and the pain he inflicted

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Wow... I would say... You were extremely cruel to the only person in your life who ever truly had your best interests and ultimate happiness at heart. Who stood by you, encouraged you, adored you and accepted you for who and what you are. Who cherished you and loved you better than your whole family combined. One person, gave that much. I chose to give this to you and I take it back.


I can see why you would seek to fill that gaping hole I left behind. You had a relationship that men spend their whole lives looking for and yet treated me like life owed me to you. You treat life, like things are owed to you. Well guess what? They aren't. You don't get to throw people away like that without karma having something to say about it.


If you don't learn how to love without hurting, you will never have anything. Very soon you will long for me by your side but instead I will be in the arms of someone else. Someone more deserving. We'll come together again in another life, I'm sure. Try not to hurt me again. I hope to be wiser.

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Communication is a job requirement here. End the friendship if you must, but I expect the same professional level of communication and respect you give all members of the team. If you have a professional problem with this, please tell my boss and she will convey anything she deems relevant to me. If you have a personal problem with this, I expect you to keep it to yourself.

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"I think you have no idea the pain you put me through. But I'm not going to charge you for this.

I just hope you leave me alone and one day you understand what I had to go through with all your lack of responsibility for the feelings of someone who really, really loved you."

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You never offered me anything, that is the problem. Only the opportunity to beg you for attention and then - nothing. I got tired of that really quickly. Well, I suppose it's what makes sense to you in a relationship, but I need a man who is emotionally available. Oh yes, and not taken. Good of you to offer to sleep with me behind your girlfriend's back (and then to accuse me of the same! Nice deflection!). As it is, you are truly unable to offer me anything, can you not see that? It's not me that is holding us back. I don't expect you to change for me, and you've made it clear that you won't. So, I don't know what else to say.

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I hope he's worth it.....good luck. Oh, and pray to god you never see me again because I will punch you square in the face as hard as possible. As you very well know, I would absolutely under any circumstances never lay a finger on a woman, but you my dear are not a woman....you are a piece of sh*t! Enjoy your stay in hell.

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