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If you could say one last thing to your ex, what would it be?

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I thought you were the one for me. I have never thought that about any other guy. How could you be so cold and just throw me away?? Did I ever mean anything to you?? I hate you now because of how you treated me at the end. I have never loved anyone like I loved you.


You sent me a stupid email telling me that you'd like it if we ran into each other somewhere. Well, I don't want to see you, ever again. You broke my heart. Even though I say that, I sometimes wish you'd call me again. I know you will never, ever call me, will never have regrets about me, will never think of me as the girl you really f'd up with. I guess you just really, really don't care at all about me. It's been about a month now, and I still think about you every day, but I know you have forgotten all about me and purged me from your existence. In a month you have not called, texted, or emailed me once. You never cared. It was all lies. Why.....?? What did I do to deserve that?

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You have the worst choice in music! 40 pra is honestly such a dumb song, do you even listen to the lyrics or just blindly listen to the stupid beat?


please join a gym you are hopelessly thin


invest in proactive


get a proper education (and no your 3rd rate uni doesn't count)


I am sooo much better looking, smarter, more logical, goal orientated and mature then you are

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My last words to her were "No one will ever love you as much as I do....you always have a home here" and I am happy with that. Its true no one will ever love her as much as I did she moved on long ago and she will get married and have children but I garuntee I will always be the man that loved her completely for who she was. I loved her with a fierce passion, I would have gone to war for her without a second thought. Someday she will know what she lost....

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My last words to her were "No one will ever love you as much as I do....you always have a home here" and I am happy with that. Its true no one will ever love her as much as I did she moved on long ago and she will get married and have children but I garuntee I will always be the man that loved her completely for who she was. I loved her with a fierce passion, I would have gone to war for her without a second thought. Someday she will know what she lost....


Respect! Seldom do anyone get anyone who will love to the end.

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If I could see you one more time,

I'd say just one thing,

Thank you.


"ありがとう。" - Kokia.


I just want to thank him for everything. Even though we had parted. I didn't get to say that before. I wish I could say that to him someday

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I would say.


"I'm sorry things ended the way they did. I loved you with all my heart and I hope you felt the same. I still feel betrayed by what you did to me, and I don't think that will ever fully heal. " Then, depending on my mood, I would either say "I hope things go well for you". Or, "*#$# off * * * * * * * ".

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Some of these are hilarious! Thanks for the laughter. I needed it! What I would say (this may sound slightly bitter lol):


Hello ex!


What a journey this has been, huh? I'd like to thank-you for stepping out of my life. I can finally find a decent guy now. One that has confidence in himself, one that doesn't blame others for his procrastination and mistakes and, of course, doesn't live in a hot and stuffy apartment that reeks of Subway sandwiches.


I suspect that your bitterness toward me stemmed from jealousy. Everyone's been telling me that all along but I refused to believe it. I was the kind of person you wanted to be: creative, optimistic, strong, sensual, funny, liked by others, charming, talented in many things, and very strong. It's odd because this is probably what attracted you to me in the first place!


How come you were never interested in reading the stories I composed for school? How come you never really bothered to look at my drawings when I showed them to you? Why did you sort of chuckle and call them "cute"? Oh that's right, there was no room for another artist in this relationship! This became a competition to you! To think that I was always encouraging you while you looked down on me.


You were boring and you know it! I was always trying to find new things for you to do! You took a plane for the first time with me! I tried to stimulate your senses. You were always tired, always unmotivated and so, so selfish! It was always you, you, you!


Oh and yeah, you're a skinny guy but I didn't mind. I always complimented you. Thanks for making me feel like a fat cow because I weighed 5 lbs less than you! I am considered thin in normal people world, you know! Thanks for lifting me and saying "Oof! You're not light!" Maybe it's YOU that needs to work out those little arms!


So, yeah, thanks. I will be so much better now.





Yeah, that wasn't expressed the best it could be but I've had a long day. lol

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